Words are boring....

Nov 26, 2011 00:26

So, here's some more pictures!

In case any of you had your doubts, I practice proper foot hygene at all times during the day. EVEN IN MY FRIENDS' HOUSES.
(I also practice stepping in dog pee at my friends' houses)

I "don't' understand.

I take my pretty friends out to the park on halloween, where no one can hear their screams.(as I assault them with my camera)

And this is me today, realizing that my ass is now a size 12 as opposed to a 13. VICTORY ASS!

I tricked you, here's some words:

So yesterday was thanksgiving. I made veggie curry as has become my tradition since forgoing meat(wow,I sound articulate when I type) and I have to say, it was pretty fucking tasty. Then I drank an entire bottle of wine and it got hazy after that. Which is weird because it's just wine. I must have a low tolerance. Oh well. I took advantage of Sugarpill's black Friday sale and ordered me some obnoxiously bright eye-shadow. Then I bought these hot skinny jeans and the shirt featured above at Oooooold Navy. Which makes me feel good because I've never been able to wear skinny jeans before without looking like this

Alright, that's all.
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