Feb 27, 2008 00:32
It was monis bday on fri mitch helped me organize something for her it was fun cool everything I wanted it to be. I didn't do anything because I had to drive but its ok cuz I still had fun and learned how to make a choco cake yum yum from scratch mitch taught me.
He also has these really cool cameras from the 70s. And he might lend me the 3d camera its sooo effing amazing it shoots pictures and then when u develop them and wear the goggles it becomes 3d.
Dash is getting really scary really fast
And I'm glad I am leaving soon
I got accepted into cca and I'm really happy that all the colleges I applied to accepted me now I just have to wait for the rest of the financial aid stuff and then make my decision for sure. I really want to go to calarts but theyhavent said anything about money,unlike cca who offered me 32000 uppfront.
Still trying to get another job, ironiacally enough my hourly rate went up yesterday I think I'm the onyl ice cream scooper that makes 9 dollars plus tips but u know what I deserve that shit I work really fucking hard!!!!