Title: She’s Not Heavy, She’s My Daughter (2/?)
em2mbPairing/Character: Shawn/Juliet, ensemble.
Word Count: 4,776
Rating: R
Summary: “I’m getting something! I’m seeing a child, a young girl. She’s eight … no, nine. But small for her age. We need to find her - ” Shawn took a raggedy breath “ - she’s … she’s sick.” When a woman from Shawn’s past shows up on Woody’s autopsy table, the reason he came back to Santa Barbara threatens to unravel everything he’s worked for in the last six years.
Spoilers: Through 6x09, “Neil Simon’s Lover’s Retreat.”
Disclaimers: Not mine, mostly because I can’t be trusted with them, as evidenced below.
Author's Notes: Thanks, as always, to
lazaefair for the beta.
O’Hara, why don’t you go give Spencer a hand with the kid?"