Apr 25, 2008 15:38
So, ladies night. Was VERY fun. I even managed to not kill myself in heels, something I'm proud of. Granted, they were low heels, but still. I am also proud of 'Sushi for not ripping my skirt when we got home *grins* Aki, I hope all of us in dresses and skirts didn't scare you TOO much....
Kouhei, you do excellent work with hair. Gakuto, Wakashi, Kouhei, and Seeichi--looking good!
My only suggestion? Next time...can we do this on a night where we don't have to get up in the morning? Not that we did...'Sushi called out and we cuddled and dozed.
And now...it's time to hole up for the weekend, study until my brains are scrambled, and gear up for a week in the torture chanbers....
Oh, and Seiichi? I got a certain phone call....
sexy league,