This past spring, the National Council on Family Relations negated its own anti-discrimination rules.
They obtained enough money -$5 million - to build a website called the "National Healthy Marriage Resource Center." They obtained this commission from the White House. As a result, their website imposed a strict ban on any mention of gay marriage.
Evidently a great many people decided to contact the NCFR's head honchos, reminding them of the non-discriminatory rule they had so assiduously ignored.
Today, NCFR has canceled its deal with the White House, saying that "lack of member consensus for this policy" is the reason for this change of heart. Something even more interesting is the other reason behind the Board’s decision to quit: they received a request from the government that the NHMRC Website include statements and photographs of Bush & his wife on their main portal.
As John at Americablog put it:
"Constructing an anti-gay website: Five million dollars.
Refusing money because you'd have to show Bush's face: Priceless.
This is very good news for the GLBT community and their families. It isn't a great victory, but it is a victory nonetheless.
And ... don't forget to vote Tuesday. If you love your GLBT friends/family/coworkers, vote "No" on Proposition 2.