PROMPT - Gus and Shawn kid!fic

May 10, 2010 21:18

Okay, let's kick this thing off with a bang!  This isn't so much of a prompt as an elaborate and somewhat crackish story concept that I am just too lazy to write, because I don't do kid!fic (well, never say never - but I'm afraid to try it):

At the end of Juno, there's an adorable quote (which I can't seem to find anywhere on the internet, halp?) about how most people fall in love and then have a baby, but for her and Bleeker it was the other way around.

So here's the premise - we start with a little!ShawnandGus flashback (as always) where the boys make a pact that if they're 40 (which is like, super-old, right?  And at this point, girls still have cooties) and still single, they'll just adopt a kid and raise it together (okay - maybe this is more like crack!fic than kid!fic, whatevs).  And then they do.  (What happened to Jules?  I dunno, kill her off or something.  jkjk.)  Adorableness ensues.  And honestly, it would probably be a better story if you just left it there and didn't make it slashy... but then the Juno quote (if you can find it) doesn't apply.  But hey, your story, your call.

genre: future!fic, character: shawn, character: gus, type: slash, type: friendship, genre: kid!fic

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