(no subject)

Sep 12, 2006 18:21

Author/Artist: Becca
Title: Payback
Challenge: Ghosts
Word Count: 628
Rating: I'll give it a G
Warnings: None

Shawn couldn’t sleep. He kept hearing things that sounded like voices, but he couldn’t make out what they were saying. It wasn’t until recently that he realized how creepy the office was late at night. Damn Bob and his ghost stuff. Because Gus refused to help with any of the bills for Psych, Shawn had to give up his apartment to be able to pay the rent on the office space. He’d moved his clothes into the back part of the office. Fortunately, there was a restroom and his dad was kind enough to let Shawn use his shower, even if Henry didn’t know that was the case. Shawn smiled as he remembered the conversation he and Gus had when Gus discovered what happened.

“You’re living here?” Gus asked incredulously.

“Yes, is that a problem?” Shawn questioned.

“It’s completely unprofessional, Shawn!” Gus explained.

“Unprofessional?” Shawn asked. “Gus, I’m unprofessional. Besides, psychics are supposed to be eccentric. It’ll be overlooked.” He shrugged.

“How can someone overlook your underwear laying out for all the world to see?” Gus asked, picking up a pair of boxers. “Wait…..these are mine!” That started an hour long discussion that ended with Gus giving Shawn the silent treatment for a good two hours.

Shawn looked over at the clock. He sighed heavily when the shining, digital numbers showed that it was two in the morning. He decided that sleep wasn’t going to happen so he got up and went to the TV so he could play some video games. Just as he was about to turn the TV on, he heard the voices again, this time more clearly.

“Shawn…” The voice was coming from near the front window.

“Hello?” Shawn asked as his eyes darted around the room.

“Shawn….” The voice said again. Shawn slowly made his way toward the voice. His heart started pounding, adrenaline coursing through his veins as he realized he was alone in the office.

“Who’s there?” Shawn’s voice shook a little in spite of his best efforts to keep it calm.

“Help me….” The voice said.

“But…..I….” He continued to look around. He had to remind himself that ghosts don’t exist. There had to be a logical explanation.

“Help me, Shawn….” The voice said again. His hands were shaking. He couldn’t figure out where the voice was coming from.

“How?” He asked. Maybe if he could keep this person talking he could figure out where the voice originated.

“My name is Madeline. I was murdered. I can not rest until my killer is found. The police ruled my death a suicide but it was not. Help me, Shawn. Please help me.” The voice said. Shawn tilted his head a little. There was something familiar in that voice, he just couldn’t place it.

“I didn’t hear you, say that again?” He managed to keep the doubt out of his voice.

“My name is Madeline. They ruled my death a suicide but I was murdered.” Shawn smiled as the voice continued her story. He looked all around the window and that’s when he saw it. There was a small compartment under the window that he’d somehow never noticed before.

“I want to help you, Madeline.” Shawn said as he slowly opened the compartment. Inside he found a baby monitor and a walkie talkie. That explained how they could hear him.

“Thank you, Shawn.” She said.

“There’s just one problem.”

“What?” The voice asked. Shawn picked up the baby monitor and spoke very loudly right against the speaker.

“Your name isn’t Madeline, it’s Juliet and you’re not dead.” He chuckled.

“I told you he wouldn’t fall for it.” Juliet said.

“Damn it!” Shawn heard Gus in the background. He managed to switch off the baby monitor before falling to the ground, laughing hysterically.

4- ghosts, fic

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