New to fandom and looking for some fic!!

Mar 28, 2011 16:20

Hello Ladies and Gents,

I am brand new to the Psych fandom and have caught up with the eps through season four by having massive dvd watching marathons.

Now I'm looking for the best Psych fic out there.

I have had some luck with finding a few stories on LJ and, but I was hoping you all would be willing to point out your favs for me. Also I’m looking for any active archives or communities that you may frequent, if I'm allowed to ask that on here.

I read mostly gen (but will read well written slash and het) and love, love, love h/c (physical and emotional), especially medical type fics, but I'm up for any well written and complete stories.

So I guess if any one knows of any good fic that deals with illness, accidents, disability, hospital stays, trauma, emotional issues, angst and relationships/friendships with Henry, Gus or even Jules, Lassie, Vick and McNab, I would love to read them.

Also a few specific stories I’m searching for would center on Shawn with Appendicitis, Kidney Stones and anything that would explain JR chest scar.

Thanks soooo much!


type: gen, type: friendship, character: juliet, type: het, genre: illness, character: henry, genre: episode related, character: gus, genre: casefic, character: lassiter, genre: noncon/dubcon, type: slash, character: shawn, genre: h/c

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