[Private post] Term paper

Mar 07, 2000 07:33

[Private post] Term paper

I am almost done with my paper on the work on Harry Harlow. What was done to the little monkeys was very unkind. An animal, especially an infant should not have to live through that. Some of his results showed that they did not cope well later in life. They did not know how to mate and were neglectful or abusive when they had their own babies.

Part of the paper was to take an experiment and compare it to your life. I do some of the things they did. I curl up and rock myself when I get upset or scared. I get scared easily and hide from people when I do. I am scared of being abandoned. It is a good thing that I will never have kids to find out what I might do to them.

I see the cloth monkey and wire monkey results with Aunt Ruth and Mum. It reminds me again how lucky I am to have her and the difference she has made in my life. I think tonight after work I will take her dinner to thank her. I don't see her as much as I would like and I miss her.

I promised Cat he could read the paper when I am done. It is going to make him sad and angry. I do not want to upset him. I wish I hadn't told him about it. I can't lie to him and I can't not let him read it.
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