Fandom: Supernatural
Title: The Lost Myth of Normal
Author: dodger_winslow
Characters: John Winchester, Sammy Winchester, Dean Winchester
My Prompt: #23, Vicarious
Genre: Gen, pre-series
Word Count: 4, 670
Rating: R (for language)
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys, I'm just stalking them for a while.
A/N: Fourth in the Four Times the Winchesters Had to Move (And Once They Didn't) series.
Summary: "I just wanted to stay in one place for awhile. It’s really hard to make friends - especially girlfriends - when you move every time you get to know anybody well enough for them to start liking you that way." Sammy looked up at John, blinked tears out of his eyes. "I’m not complaining or calling you a crap dad. I just really wanted to stay in one place for awhile. Can’t I just tell you that without it being me being selfish or not caring if kids die? Because every time I do, you think I’m calling you a crap dad. But I’m not. I’m just trying to tell you what I want because sometimes I don’t think you and Dean even know what a normal life is."
The Lost Myth of Normal