Fandom: Supernatural
Title: Skin Deep (Pts 3 & 4 of 8)
Author: Dodger Winslow
Characters: John Winchester, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Bobby Singer
Prompt: #1, Transference
Genre: Gen, Pre-series
Word Count: 40,000 ish (by the time it's finished)
Rating: R for language (because John is a Marine, not a Boy Scout) and mature subject matter
Spoilers: Something Wicked, Skin
Disclaimer: I don't own the boys, I'm just stalking them for a while ...
Summary: John was trying to save this child rather than destroy him. And it wasn’t lost on him that his reasons for doing so were less about morality than they were about responsibility. Less about mercy than about guilt. Less about another man’s son than they were about his own sons, and how those sons might end up some day if he went hunting a monster that posed a threat to them and never came home again ... but the monster did.
Skin Deep (Part 3)
Skin Deep (Part 4)