Jul 09, 2011 21:48

Hey, guys! So I was thinking since we've hit a little bit of a summer lull, maybe you all might be interested in mixing it up a little bit? I'm thinking it might be fun to do a couple of community graphics challenges that are less work and easier for people to complete - i.e. new community header, community icons for the mods to use, icons for us to put in the side bar and/or some kind of a wallpaper or colorbar challenge. Please respond to the poll below and let me know what you think. If everyone hates it, we'll just pretend I never brought it up and continue on with 20in20 challenges.

If I missed anything in the poll or you have something you want to voice to the community about the way the group has been going, please consider this an open door to say whatever you want. This group is for all of us and Tope and I want you to have the best time possible.


Poll New Challenge Ideas

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