Apr 07, 2012 11:33
Ephesians 4:29 - "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up."
it's something that i have to work on, for sure. cindy is so good at it.
lately, i've been learning to be more deliberate with my thoughts and my actions. i think it's a good place to start as any. the funny thing is, my thoughts are clearest when i'm filing my nails. it's just...easier to think.
i don't think it's a bad thing to envision something that you want. but only if it helps you carry it out. and i really do need to focus.
Lord...there are sometimes i feel distant from you. Lord, please show me what to do. show me how to use my passion for You. show me how to speak and be there for other people, to build them up. and i know, that all the trouble and trials You put me though are there to mold me, to teach me, to humble me, to let me discover who i am and let me learn how to serve You better. so i welcome them. i welcome the trouble, the doubts, the damning thoughts. because i know i have to trust You, and i know that whatever trouble it is, You will give me peace of mind, and joy within Your hands.
so if long suffering is what is required, i will gladly serve. and be humbled. Jesus, i want to be like you. suffering without complaint. i will not complain. and if in my despair, i call out to you for help, for aid...Lord, please. help me know that You're there for me. that You hold me. and that You'll always walk beside me, on the beach, on the waters...holding my hand, taking my pain, giving me faith.