Blink's First Anthem.....Only Too Fucking True

Oct 28, 2004 19:57

Stupid bitch... just a fucking room mate. God, every fucking time I try to talk to the fucking hooker shes always 'busy' reading cosmo, or doing a fucking cross word puzzle. WELL FUCK YOU. Iacnt beleive this shit. They fucking treat me like I'm not here.... no if they need spomething "just go to Paul, he can drop his plans a bend the fuck backwards for us like he always" go I fucking dropped my plans last week last fucking minute so I could help mujer with the Hobbit. But is that even remotely agknowlegded? NO!! Instead, I stay at Phil's over night and the old man calls to give me shit about not coming home to clean the fucking bathrooms. What you cant fucking clean it your self. Mujer is just being a stupid dyke.

I poured out my soul to someone I thought hated me. Eric Baker. I was really pissed off that his friends blew him off so often. So I talked to him on aim. I'm glad I did. I was under the impression that he was an asswhole but I was wrong..... he fucking thought I had a crush on him. Whoever fucking told him that needs to fucking be put down like wounded horse. I never fucking had a crush on him. Thatis kinda fucking gross..... no offence. Oh well.

In better news, I think I met someone. His name is Matt Veltri. He's 15 and he's really sweet and really hot. I kinda feel bad about liking him. I'm not quite over Jay.... but I need to get over him. Okay well. I need to stop. No final thought.

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