May 08, 2004 23:44
ok here's the final 40 facts about me...
61. I like drinking soda out of the bottle.
62. It's very hard to function without hearing music for at least 30 min in the morning, as soon as I get home and then until the second I got into sleep mode. I don't know how I make it through the day...probably why I'm always singin'...
63. Sometimes, there are wasps in my bathroom in the morning and I have to kill them so they don't sting me in the shower.
64. When I used to play little league, I was playing in the field at 2nd base and all of a sudden I look at my arm and there's a big ass bumble bee sitting on it...scared the shit out of me.
65. I've only gotten stung by a bee once...but it hurt like fuck 'cause i was in like 2nd grade.
66. I have only washed my vest twice since I got it early january :-)
67. I don't shower, the last time I showered was 3 years ago.
68. I never change my clothes ever, I'm always wearing the same thing from yesterday.
69. Heh, I love women (look at the # ;-)
70. Tomorrow's mother's day and forever more will be really weird without Aunt Jackie :-(
71. I miss Aunt Jackie a lot. RIP
72. I also miss Grandma Roz a lot. RIP
73. I have PS2, PS1, Adam's X Box, N64, SNES, NES, Game Boy Color, Game Boy (old school), and Sega Game Gear.
74. Road Rash used to be the best game on PS1.
75. The Rangers haven't made the playoffs since 1996.
76. The Rangers have 4 Stanley Cups, just like the Islanders do. Except the Isles got them 4 years in a row ('80, '81, '82, '83). The Rangers got them in '28, '32, '54, '94.
77. I'm making a lot of money this summer so I can buy a really good guitar :-), but I will always keep my peice of shit unless it literally falls apart and is unfixable.
78. I'm a jew.
79. And my Dad's an accountant. On Sunday's, he counts money at the OTB hehe...he's a jew too :-)
80. I'm missed the Nancy Sinatra show tonight because I JUST found out today that it was 18+. Bastards...Glad I didn't get tix yet lol.
81. "...And Out Come The Wolves" was the first Rancid cd I bought.
82. "I Heard They Suck Live" was the first NOFX album I bought.
83. I'm such a fag. It's no wonder I have no friends...
84. Golden Eye 007 was a great game for multiplayer. That game owned all.
85. I used to collect beanie babies and still have them all in my basement.
86. I have all 4 teddy graham beanie bears: honey, chip, chocolate, and fuck I can't remember the last one's name...
87. I have a lava lamp in my room and a glitter kinda lamp thing, sounds really gay. But it's just a bunch of shiney peices of paper floating around in a yellow liquid in the tube. It's actually pretty cool. The lava lamp is blue and I stole it from my brother's room.
88. Bill Gates is an asshole.
89. I finsished my NOFX album cover of "The War On Errorism". It was a painting and it looks fucking cool. I'm very proud of my work.
90. "Majority rule don't work in mental institutions."
91. I met Geoff Kresge of Tiger Army at a Rancid show.
92. I met Jerry Only at an AFI show that the lovely Breanna took me to :-). <3
93. That show was exactly 1 year ago.
94. Davey saw me and Bre screaming our heads off on the balcony and pointed at us. He noticed us cause no one else on the balcony was singing cause they were all drinking (It was a 21+ balcony but the dude let us go up anyway).
95. My first AFI show was scary cause I was 14 at a 16+ show and neither Me, Matt, or Lauren were 16. The bouncer stopped us online and interrogated us about our age. But, we spilled the truth cause he told me not to bull shit him cause he knew I didn't look 16. So he let us in anyway and just told us to stay away from the pit.
96. Flat soda sux.
97. Me and Jared are the only kids in the school who seems to actually listen to Psychobilly. (comment if you actually have heard some of it).
98. I'm a pumpkin.
99. Wayne Gretzky is my favorite hockey player ever (#99).
100. And finally, I will tell you something that not many people know about me. It's a secret I've kept for a long time. The big news is that...
I'm fucking tired, good night.
"There's no point for democracy when ignorance is celebrated. Political scientists get the same one vote as some Arkansas inbred. Majority rule don't work in mental institutions. Sometimes the smallest, softest voice carries the grand, biggest solution."
~NOFX- The Idiots Are Taking Over~