The president seems to think that it is too late to pull out of the war without a victory. In an article on the four year anniversary of the war in Iraq President Bish insists "victory is possible if democrats back off efforts to withdraw from the war." But then later in the article it goes on to say that bush did not even send enough troops to ensure victory. By sabotaging himself is he acting out the fantasy of the people ofthe us who wan't to pull out of Iraq?
If we do pull out of the war what have we accomplished over there. All of our time money and troops will have been for nothing, but then again how long do we have to wait until our casulties out way any benefits that could come out of Iraq. Right now we have spent 4 years, 500 billion dollars, and 3,217 of our troops. As you can see in the time line we really have not accomplished much.,9263,7601050926,00.html