1. Fool
2. Magician
3. High Priestess
http://psybutterfly69.livejournal.com/33919.html4. Empress
5. Emperor
6. Hierophant
7. Lovers
8. Chariot
9. Strength
10. The Hermit
11. Wheel of Fortune
12. Justice
13. Hanged Man
14. Death
15. Temperance
16. Devil
http://psybutterfly69.livejournal.com/34360.html17. Tower
18. Star
19. Moon
20. Sun
21. Judgement
22. The World.
23. Wands
24. Cups
http://psybutterfly69.livejournal.com/34233.html25. Swords
26. Pentacles
http://psybutterfly69.livejournal.com/21409.html27. Divine
http://psybutterfly69.livejournal.com/34646.html28. Arcana
29. Minor
30. Major
BONUS THEMES (are subject to change):
1. Animal
2. Blood
3. Jealousy
4. Hot Dogs