Dumped the backpack out on the livingroom floor...
There's some water there (but not the gallon per day recommended and the water is past its "best by" date). There's no way I'm going to carry 3 to 5 gallons of water around if I have to bolt, though...
The meds are sufficient and up-to-date, as is the contact lens solution.
There are a few Odwalla bars with a "best by" date in '12.
The windup radio and flashlight both work (and neither have "dry cell" batteries in them to get old, leak and corrode).
There's a Leatherman-style multi-tool and a bright orange plastic poncho, two pair of socks.
There's a pack of "personal wipes" with no expiration date; the pack is still soft and still sucks heat like a wet thing does so I suspect the wipes are still plenty moist.
There's folding money, a bunch of quarters, and an unexpired credit card, an "extra" copy of my health insurance card.
I need more food in the bag, need to replace the water. Should toss in a sweater and a t-shirt, at least one of the microfiber cloths, a few bandaids and over-the-counter meds and the like (that I really thought were in there!)
And then there's the house stores... I have plenty of cash on hand, a reasonable quantity of food that doesn't require cooking (and a bunch of stuff that will be tasty and nutritious if I have water and gas!)... Need more water (have two gallons dated 9/12).
I need to spend the better part of a day on prep...