On the Dreamscapes Edge

Apr 06, 2009 22:36

Yar yar... I get so tired at night, that even tho I have the desire to actually conjure up some thoughts, I end up putting it off till days later and then I don't feel like it is relevant anymore to write about ^^; Ah well, here's hoping I can change that habit in the coming time.

Went to a history museum over the weekend, partly in due to a certain requirement that my sister had to fulfill in a college course, but it proved to be thought provoking anyhow. The main exhibit halls were filled with various artifacts from the Chinese culture, which included wonderments as carved ivory tusks, Terracotta horses and soldiers, elaborate handwoven gowns and headpieces, just to name a few. However, the exhibit I found rather intriguing had to deal with an assortment of tribes dwelling in Africa. "Fantasy Coffins" as they are referred to, which are essentially giant handmade caskets created in the shape of animals, rather than the traditional rectangular box format. Colorful fishes, an Eagle with it's wings spread in flight, they even had one on display shaped as a Brontosaurs which was supposedly "on loan" for the museums' display purposes ^^; Extremely colorful in design, they were visually striking!

Speaking of Africa (hows this for a thought transition?), Resident Evil 5 was rather enjoyable ^_^

Granted there were some gripes I had with it...
By todays standards, it feels completely awkward to not be able to move and SHOOT at the same time. Now, I understand the theory that you have a much better chance of hitting something accurately while remaining stationary, rather than running and trying to nail your target. But for an action fueled setup like RE5 has created unto itself, the constant sprinting a few feet, 180 spin, fire formula gets a little problematic at times. This is really bizarre when seeing yourself wielding a knife and not being able to like, step a few paces forward and swing the blade at once o_o

Even tho the game encourages you to play co-op, the AI for Sheva in single player does just fine and dandy. She will actually rush to your aid when you are dying or in the need of medical assistance, give you ammo she finds and can hold her ground in a fight. She does however, have an annoying habit of resorting to her handgun, instead of using any more powerful weapons you might give her. Of course, having the com play means you hafta delegate a bit more between sharing items and stuff, but luckily that is as easy as a single button press.

The graphics are deliciously detailed, especially on the Boss fights, which reek gore-geous at times. There are moments in the game where you actually feel like there is a swarm of blood thirsty villagers from all around ya, wanting a piece of that fleshy pie. Oddly enough, there really is no "spooky" factor, sure.. you got your monstrosities, but the atmosphere feels more like chaos then an underlying dread.

Right now I am replaying the game on the harder difficulties and looking for miscellaneous goodies and unlockables for fun ^^

In upcoming news:

I have Jury Duty this Thursday! (Good God, that tag actually still works... o_o)
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