Huge Collection Update

Feb 01, 2011 03:58

Last October I found this community, and now I am wanting pokemon things that I used to never dream of wanting. Last time I showed my collection it was only TFG Figures, and that remains the central point of my collection, however I am beginning to branch into some way cool side collections. but anyways, without further ado, lets jump into it!

here is the wide shot, kaiyodo on top and others underneath

top shelf, original series TFG's you can see there's only one little spot still left open for weedle. fun-fact, the shelf is made entirely out of cardboard from packages from you guys! THX PKMNCOLLECTORS!

here is my custom made shelf, laid out for the third series, the spaces are for the many that may take a long time to find, although i do have Raikou on the way from Tooya0 so that hole should be filled soon. you can also see the bottom row with my second series figures and crystal variants.

Blurry close up on crystals, from left to right: Charzard, Absol, Groundon, Murkrow, and Ho-oh.

Blurry close up on my first grail-get, these groundbreakers figures that thanks to the members here i was able to locate.

and last up of the TFG's my promo row, still need to find the ref somewhere cheap enoguh.

oh whats that you notice the palkia and dialga, sorry to break your hearts but they are far from official, i doubt they are even kaiyodo. they are actually a couple of decently sculpted figures that came with the lapras larvitar and metagross figures. just drilled a hole in the bottom and stuck them on some broken bases. they look good though and make nice place holders.

Fun fact about these guys, i got them all for about $20 off an ebay auction that had kaiyodo misspelled. its a good start to bottle cap figures, hopefully I'll be able to get the ones i need here without having to buy expensive full sets.

got most of these of here, with the exception of arceus, and the sinnoh starters which isn't actually real. i made it out of the promotional TFG's which after buying tons of 3 packs, i had dozens of. up close you can see where its hot glued and it doesn't look legit at all, but its good for my shelf, at least until i can get an official one.

Here is my tiny voltorb collection, the smaller figure and the topps card where the first things i bought off this site.

Ok, so this has actually been one of my biggest obsessions lately. DVD's. i want to get every episode on Region 1 DVD. some of them are easy, like the original series up through orange islands (which is in the mail now), however most of the johto league episodes are insanely hard to come by and can cost as much as $400 for a 3 episode disc. highlights here include 3 out of the 7 of the journey to the johto league championship DVD's ... they are the more common 3, but its a start on that series. also i have 4/6ths of the Master quest Series which can be very hard to get at a decent price. there is also all of advanced, some of advanced challenge and some of advanced battles, as well as sets 1 and 2 of the indigo league. i know its far from what i set out to collect but right now these are the highest priorities on my want's list if anyone has any.

onto some random pieces here and there i want to show:

here are the ThinkChip+ figures i was asking about the other day, would like to get into them, but they seem pretty hard to find, so i may sit back and see if any more find their way to me.

here is the venasuar fighting garydose i got from ashton, it was missing its base so i drilled some holes in some cardboard to hold them up.

Looks like i forgot to take a picture of the Moltres zukan i got recently. i have to admit that with the addition of the seel and kangaskahn zukans i ordered from jessie_grace_89 i am going to VERY slowly try and collect only the first 151, in zukan. i really shouldn't even try, and i do feel guilty even attempting to do that when there are so many awesome and dedicated zukan collectors round here. Anyways...

here's some extra randomness that I've picked up at thrift stores, not sure if any of its good, but it was all sure cheap.

lastly i want to end with a few photos of my TFG doubles

this is what i call my good doubles

and this is what i call my overkill doubles, about 15-20 of each of the figures visible in the 3 packs

also here's about 2 square feet of spinning bases

I am only a few positive feedbacks away from trading permission and those should all be in the mail, so if you are looking for some TFG's and have something that might tickle my fancy, get in touch please. i am looking for DVD's, voltorb stuff, Bottle Caps, original 151 zukans,the last few preorder figures, and of course I'll go GAGA if you can help me get any of the TFG i need.
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