
Jun 03, 2008 16:11

I dunno if you knew, but this weekend was kinda scary. Friday night we (Harry and I) stayed up late watching a movie so it ended around 12ish. We were ready to go to sleep when we heard the tornado alarm. For the first time I was really scared.

The weather outside was scary, it had been raining really bad with lightnings and know the kind that shook the house...just scary. Then the alarm, immediately I changed the channel to a local one to see what was going on. It turned out that there had been a couple of tornadoes touch downs and it was heading our way.

So, we got up, got dressed for whatever may happen, Harry went to get Matt while I grabbed some clothes for him and we headed downstairs. And going downstairs was when it really hit me...what if the tornado came? What can I take with me? What do we "really" need? So I just settled for a couple of pillows (in case we had to sleep downstairs), a couple of baby blankets that my grandmother made for Matt and our wedding rings.

We got the dogs inside since they were a bit excited and were not happy being outside. We had the tv on trying to being updated with what was going on outside. Cause there got to a point where the weather calmed down, but like, dead calm. Only lightnings kept illuminating the dark night, making me think of the movie "twister", you know? the scene of the cinema, where the lightning showed the huge tornado coming...well that was in my mind.

So the tornado went north and missed us completely, but I get paranoid every time there is a storm.

Just forgot to write this a couple of days ago...and well......I finally did.
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