wow, i realize i haven't been posting as much as i used to. but i decided to post about my holiday weekend since everybody else has. here goes:
wednesday: mom came over and made the potato salad and started the greens for us (thank you mom!) we went to bed semi-early, for we knew that we had a long day of cooking ahead of us.
thursday: woke up around 7ish and started the mac and cheese and the pumpkin pie. meanwhile, the brother actually ended up helping with dinner, he did the turkey. it was a 17 pounder and looked like it came out alright (i'm not a good judge since i don't eat it, tho it was really sad to watch it being prepared...). i think i wanna try a tofurkey next year, or maybe for xmas. we'll see...
we had the turkey in the oven at 11am and were eating dinner at around 5. first time in years we've had thanksgiving dinner before 9pm, i swear! my mom is never on time for anything, ever! lol!
as my dad said the blessing around the table, i couldn't help but get teary eyed because my dad had a lot of emotion in his voice, like he was grateful that my brother and i were there and worked so hard so that we could have dinner together as a family. it was a really touching moment.
then we ate and all passed out from thanksgiving comas...
friday: my mom calls me and asks if i want her to pick me up and take me back to the country for a few days. i didn't really have much to else to do so i agreed and off i went to farm country, usa. i had a lot of fun out there, playin with my little brother and feeding the baby bulls they just got. soo cute! see for yourself:
frickin adorable, huh?
saturday and sunday:
i started my xmas cards and i'm almost done. it's a tradition i started last year and i'm continuing it. that reminds me, if any of you reading this want one, send me your addy and i'll be sure to send one your way. for some reason, i really enjoy doing it. my friend kimmie says i'm such an 80 year-old lady, lol. but i don't care. it gives me joy.
sunday nite, i washed my hair and didn't got to cappy's because i had too much shit to do. sry bout that, next time, i'm there! :0)