Looking over my last post, I realised: I talk too much.
Too many words. So much time wasted when I could have been sleeping.
The public service is famous for putting things plainly and dumbing you down. I am an apt pupil.
So, I come to make this short post:
As you may have noticed, I'm not using this journal much these days. At the harassment of many (and the successful lure of Force Choking someone repeatedly), I've joined Facebook, but I still don't understand the hype. You can't do very much there except humour the cliques (in my case, the alum networks) and... force choke people. I saw someone throw a sheep at one of my friends. Creative.
But I'll keep this journal in case I need it in future, you never know. If you want to keep tabs on what I'm doing in fandom, you can find me at
_bluebells. I'm pretty lazy with anything that's not sleep, work or obsessively cleaning my house at the moment, but if you'd like to friend: the more the merrier!
That journal has most of my (not original) fic, graphics, media, recs, reviews, etc. If it has to do with fandom, it's there and I try to keep general talk to an absolute minimum. I'll start moving over my fic from here if I ever get the energy. Some material on that journal won't be for everybody, so wherever possible things have been categorised and rated. Pray you, take note of it (I'm looking at you, uni friends o0!).
I'll still be using this journal to watch people (that's you!) and commiserate. USBs are not for the dishwasher, yo.