i need to stop guilting myself about the things I don't manage to post here

Sep 29, 2014 21:34

Basically, I keep telling myself I can't post anything here until I write up a post listing every fic I've put up on Ao3 since the last time I crossposted here in, I think, mid-July, which is actually kind of a lot? Idk, guys. Being unemployed and directionless was actually pretty great for the creative juices for a while.

All of that is over now, though--both the unemployment and the creativity. I'll do that list soon, and I'll talk about stuff, like the coffee shop I'll be working at and the fancy-shmancy internship I'm doing and the fabulous apartment just outside Boston I'll be living in (cross your finger) wicked soon with a super awesome roommate.

Rn, though, I'm really not up for much more than talking about Yuletide for a few--I just submitted my noms. One of them is Poldark, the original tv series, which my mom and I just watched again, and which I'm determined to find some fans of before the Aiden Turner-starring remake comes out this winter or spring (I am incredibly excited about the remake, but I know that after it comes out, it will prob be impossible to talk about the old one without talking about the new one). I submitted character tags for Demelza because, like, duh, she's the best, and Francis because he's bizarrely endearing and I am so interested in his relationship with Ross, and Ross himself because I'd be interested in looking closer at him in conjunction with either Francis or Demelza (or Verity, but I didn't have enough tags left to include her :(), and then I did Jinny Carter becuase she is totally my favorite now and forever.

I also did Fresh Meat, which I would love to read more fic of, especially if it's about Vod and Oregon being in love, and Hanna because I still want a happy ending for Hanna and Sophie (and also an Avengers crossover where Natasha and Hanna bond, but let's not ask for the moon, yes?), and I'm actually going to get it together to sign up for yuletide this year instead of just writing treats, I swear, and I am genuinely kind of extremely excited about it?

So hi guys! Hope you're all doing well! <3

this entry was originally posted at http://thewrongkindofpc.dreamwidth.org/9920.html. Comment wherever you prefer.

personal, hanna, fresh meat, poldark, yuletide

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