I've been meaning to get to this for days, and I finally got it done. Here's what I've posted since January 1st of last year:
The Victorian Batman AU sure do make an easy target It’s Not Easy Being Green (With Envy) All The Friends You Need The One Where Cobra Starship Have Really Bad Boundaries There’s An Old Enchanted Castle (And The Princess There Is Me) A Little Reality Yuletide
Overall word count (excluding VBAU which was both co-written and also too long to count, I don’t even know how long) 32,300
Overall Thoughts
I really need to work on my titles. Also, leaving out drabbles and comment fic and little things that never got names, and leaving out all the things I wrote that aren’t finished yet and are still unposted, there’s a lot less than I would have thought.
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?
This is really my biggest year yet in terms of fannish involvement. The year before, I sort of dipped my toes into actual fannish interaction, but before that, I was really not much more than a very dedicated lurker, so going into this year I really didn’t have any clear expectations for what I’d do-I’m still establishing my norms before I can break them.
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?
Well, I never knew I wanted there to be fic for “A Little Romance” till I watched it again a month or so ago, but after I did, I started, just to mess around, just for fun, and I really couldn’t stop. It was lots of fun.
What's your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest?
That would have to be It’s Not easy Being Green-I had so much fun with it, and it let me indulge in my love of Gen fic, cats, and a pretty huge cast of characters who all make cameos.
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
I felt like signing up for Bandom Big Bang and for Yuletide were pretty big risks. I’ve never had the kind of confidence to sign up for fests or exchanges, never really trusted myself to get done in time, but I did pretty well on both of those, I think. I’m starting to get a bit more confident in my writing, I guess.
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year?
Finish the two big-ish projects I’m most excited about that I’ve been working on, make a decision about a few of the WiPs I’ve got floating around-you know, either finish them or set them free on WiP amnesty. Actually write some of the TSN fic that’s been in my head for about a year now, before no one cares anymore.
My best story of this year.
I guess that’d be All The Friends You Need, at least in that it feels slightly more serious and less self-indulgent than most things I write. Which probably says something about me actually, since it’s about a werewolf.
My most popular story of the year.
Probably that would be Sure Do Make An Easy Target, to my eternal surprise. I mean, it was lots of fun to write, but still. It’s not the kind of story you can take all that seriously. Maybe that’s the point.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion.
I mean, I guess I’m a little sorry that not one single person seems to have read and liked A Little Reality, but then, I knew when I posted it that it was a coda to an obscure ‘70s movie that didn’t even have a tag on AO3 before I posted it. I shouldn’t be surprised. Still, it did get fourteen hits. Did none of them like it at all? Who knows, maybe not.
Most fun story to write.
Didn’t we already have this question? Anyway, I guess that’s probably It’s Not Easy Being Green or Sure Do Make An Easy Target-silly, fun things I didn’t have to plumb the depths of my soul for.
Story with the single sexiest moment.
I don’t write much sexiness, and the few things I’ve managed to write that I think are pretty hot, at least, are all in my WiPs pile at the moment. Probably my Alex/Ryland domesticity WiP has that honor.
Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story.
As I said, I don’t write much porn, and what I have written is all pretty tame.
Story that shifted my own perceptions of the characters.
It’s Not Easy Being Green is definitely the story where I worked out my real feelings towards Jon Walker (affectionately ambivalent with occasional flashes of either adoration or rage).
Hardest story to write.
That got finished? Probably All The Friends You Need, which took about ten months, though three or four of those months were just me leaving it alone for a while because I’d hit a wall and was convinced that I couldn’t believably write male voices (I’m still not totally sure I can, only now I don’t care.)
Biggest surprise.
The One Where Cobra Starship Has Really Bad Boundaries-it’s the kind of thing I usually have an idea for and like to talk about on twitter, but don’t actually follow through with. I guess I can call its existence a sign of maturity, though the subject matter not so much.
Most unintentionally telling story.
The one I started writing night before last. Wait, is that cheating? No, but really, if you think the things I’ve posted this year are unintentionally revealing, wait till you see what’s in my WiPs. I don’t mean to do it, but quite a few of them seem to be coming out like maps of my soul these days.
In conclusion.
It’s been a good year for me, fic-ish-ly, and I’m going to go out on a limb and say it’s really only the springboard for an even better next year. You ain’t seen nothing yet.