Meme time!

Sep 12, 2011 22:23

So, akire_yta had this meme. These are the rules:

1. Reply to this post with 'hit me', and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee. And there should always be icon glee!

...which I responded to largely because I love my icons like crazy--I have an unpaid account, so every new one I get is carefully considered, since it means losing another one.

This is one that, I'm embarrassed to say, I picked up before I knew how to credit--I did not make it and whoever did is obviously awesome. If you know who it is, please tell me so I can fix it. It's specifically a Young Wizards Series icon--in the series, one of the senior wizards is in the business of selling pieces of time--but I mostly use it as a sort of general Love Of My Fandoms icon, because it is exactly the kind of fun and sweet pride in fandom kind of attitude I love fangirls for, and this was supposed to be a short meme, but shit, I'm writing a novel, aren't I? I'll move on, I'll just say, I love the YW series--it's probably my favorite YA fantasy series, and much as I love it, it beats Harry Potter for me by a mile.

Again, one of my first and favorite icons--it remains uncredited, but I send out all the props to the amazing artist I stole it from when I was young and foolish. The quote is from A Softer World, one of my favorite webcomics on the internet--I've loved it since before I had in-home internet access, and even given the fact that I got that rather late in life, that's still saying something.

Webcomics are one of my favorite mediums on the internet, and this icon gets dragged out whenever I want to flail about them, as well as whenever I'm feeling particularly defiant or political.

The quote from this icon comes, I think, from a chat conversation I was not a part of--if you want more details, ask mizubyte, whose long-ago icon post I stole it from. I like it and keep it around for a lot of reasons--first of all, I dabble in a lot of Disney related fandoms, and since, as I've said, I don't have much icon space, I can't have icons for all of them. This one is a good umbrella. Second, I love angst fic like crazy, but so often by the end, the characters really do deserve some goddamned Disney. Third and finally, it showed up on my f-list around the same time that I figured out that Disney is an anagram of my first name (yes, it did take me that long. Please don't laugh.) and that fact just kind of makes me giggle.

These are the Jonas Brothers. I love them. If you didn't know either of these facts, you haven't known me very long. Seriously, look at them! I love this picture, they are so cute and silly and just boys...

So once upon a time I bought a book which happened to be an anthology including William Beckett and Gabe Saporta's early emo poetry. It is ridiculous and of highly questionable literary merit, and I love it to bits. I've got it in a google doc somewhere--if you don't have access and want to, let me know.

When I first made this amazing discovery, obviously I had to tell as many people as possible, so I was talking about it to ipreferaviators when I mentioned this quote, and how I'd love to see a graphic superimposing uber-emo bb!Gabe's literary juvenilia with pictures of him being the most ridiculous human being on the planet. Like that one. So she made an icon. Because she is awesome.

(As she said, it sort of seems like it's making some kind of unintended statement on stage!gay that neither of us really chose to look too far into. I don't care. It is all of the absurd, which is what is important.)

spammage, meme, picspam

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