...It has been observed that if I have a Panic OTP, it's pretty much hands down got to be Brendon/Ryan. This is broadly true. However, Panic have always seemed determined to make multi-shippers of us all, and I've grown pretty flexible.
Today, though, dear readers, I am here to present an incontrovertible truth: Brendon/Ryan may be my OTP, but Ryan/Spencer has, hands down, the very best D/S fic.
I blame Spencer Smith.
The ones y'all have probably already seen: (italics notes stolen from the original entry)
Hide And SeekPairing: Ryan/Spencer
Rating: So very, very NC-17. Jesus.
Word Count: ~12,000
Wherein I love the way it ends more than is probably strictly sane
AskPairing: Spencer/Ryan
Rating: NC17
Summary: "Please, I would like a spanking," Ryan says. "Asshole."
Warnings: Obvious warning is obvious, but spanking
Still MotionRyan/Spencer
NC-17, warning for mild D/s themes
~5’000 words
Spencer is strong enough now to hold both of Ryan’s wrists down with just one hand.
and then the one that I didn't hear about for far too long a time, that ate up an entire afternoon because I could not stop reading. Also almost certainly the catalyst for this particular entry's existence.
The Second CircleIt reads like a mystery novel. A heartbreaking, angsty mystery novel with a lot of really hot sex and the kind of character development that makes me want to live in the author's brain for, oh, THE REST OF ETERNITY. There's a
prequel that I didn't read till after, that is also pretty fantastic, and a hint about what's next for the characters in an authors' note that's linked in the master post, and the author is talking about changing names and self-publishing this, and let me tell you all, if that happens, I'm totally buying it.
In case you couldn't tell, I can't really reccomend that last one enough