Dec 12, 2006 03:52
So, after the year-review thing I just did I realised just how much I've been neglecting this thing, even now that I'm in a more stable position. It's time to update things that I havn't annouced:
I'm working at Domino's again, living on my mother's living room floor. All of the irritations I felt in the past have been lost and the conditions are much more favorable; however, I still need my own place again which might not be happening any time soon honestly. I'm going to a debt counselor friday to get rid of some old debts I've ignored since the first year I moved here: about $6,000 worth. That and my credit might stop me from getting a place, no matter how much income I get aside. Wednesday I'm seeing a deitician to see what concrete proof there is that I've been losing weight (I know I've lost alot since Columbia) and learn how to keep losing it, though work and eating much more healthily is obviously at work. My father will be joyed to know I've pretty much stopped drinking pop. I'm down to half a pack of smokes a day.
I physically feel alright, as almost always. I mentally feel anxious at some changes this week will make but I can only try to be optimistic about how much positivity may come of these changes in the long run. Emotionally, I'm alright if not still a little numb. I'll try to post more here since I know at least a couple people look forward to seeing how I'm doing.