If I think about the cause and effect of time travel, it really hurts my head.
Were Ten and River Song together in the future because he found her intriguing and irresistible? We'll never truly know, will we?
Let's follow Moffat's logic if we can:
1. Ten knows how River dies and why.
2. In order for River to save everyone, she needs to get Our!Ten to trust her. Therefore Future!Ten tells her his name (of course Our!Ten already knows this) -- it has nothing to do with the fact that she may be his wife or OMG!!HIS!!MOST!!SPECIAL!!COMPANION!!EVAH!! No, it's because it's the only way Our!Ten will trust some woman he's never met.
3. Future!Ten gives River his screwdriver in order to "save" her and also as a way for Our!Ten to recognize she's someone important to him.
All of these things MUST happen in order for Our!Ten to survive and he knows it. This is not to say the Doctor doesn't care about River, because he does. As
mydeira said, how can he not? She selflessly gave her life to save the lives of the others and to keep Our!Ten from dying, thus preserving their time line. It's really quite sad.
I'm now fairly certain that Ten's not going to regenerate any time soon because not only does he need to do all of these things, but because River says in SitL: "You're younger than I've ever seen you." Does this mean Future!Ten is much older or does it mean in the time it takes Our!Ten to meet her again, he's had so many things happen to him that his eyes just look older? See, time travel cause and effect can give you a headache!!!
I'm glad Our!Ten never reads the journal. No spoilers, you know because spoilers are of the bad!! I think we've been hit over the head with that enough now to get what Moffat's saying: DON'T READ SPOILERS!! Yes, yes, I understand. Spoilers are bad. His warnings won't keep me from clicking on them though. *g*
As for the little girl...OMG! That poor little girl. I thought maybe she would turn out to be CAL, but I had no idea that she'd be THE node. Wow.
The episode was really very Matrix-y, wasn't it? Right down to Dr. Moon -- do you want the red pill or the blue pill?
Now for Donna...I kept thinking over and over how awful it was to give her this life -- husband she adored, children she loved as if they were her own -- only to have it ripped away. Because even if it turned out not to be real in the end, it felt real to her. Now she knows what it's like to love and be loved, and to have a family. And my heart broke when her "husband" saw her but couldn't get her name out because of his stutter. I'm hoping these two crazy kids find their way back to each other otherwise it would just be tragic. Then again, it's Moffat and he loves the tragedy, doesn't he?
Yes, as I said last week, Steven Moffat brings the creepy and the edge of your seat thrills, but there's one other thing he brings:
"Just this once Rose, everybody lives!!"
I'm going to enjoy him as DW's front runner in 2010.
ETA: Does it creep out anyone else that it was the pages of the books that brought the Vashta Nerada to the library? I mean, omg I own a ton of books. I don't think I'll ever look at them the same way.
Do they make a spray for that?