Dec 21, 2014 10:38
I just want to write this in the midst of all these cop protests and killings.
I think the real problem here is that cops and thugs(im using the term thugs really loosely) dont understand each other, and neither of them want to. There are two totally different mindsets that will not bend for the other.
I forget a lot of times that I am stopped by an asshole cop all the time. I forget that cops cheat on their wives more often than not. I forget that cops get away with a LOT. They are a band of brothers, just like the military, that work together and spend more time with each other, more than they are home with their families. They will stand up for eachother no matter what. They all love their job, but many love it for the wrong reasons. When they put on that uniform, many of them get a false sense of confidence. I forget that having great power comes great responsibility-- and that is, not to let that power get to your head. A lot of cops let that power get to their head and they come off as plain assholes. They do shit and get away with it. I actually forgot that. It was one of the things that I hated about Pete. He had no ability to take responsibility for his actions. It was always someone else's fault. And when he did something wrong he never apologized until someone called him out on it. A lot of cops do the right thing and are amazing people. They will ALSO always protect US in the face of danger. They are always in danger. Anyone could kill or assault them at any time. They get scared like the rest of us. Unfortunately I think that the abuse of power shows during arrests or car stops or anything like that; and people have bad experiences.
The hood on the other hand also has a mindset that they were raised with. Their parents taught them to hate cops. They already hated cops and so they act like assholes towards cops automatically. So the cops react defensively all the time.