[if you never know truth then you'll never know love]

Jul 22, 2010 20:00

Urgh. I'm werewolfing. I'm coming down off a week of post-op steroids and therefore mood swings are worse than usual. And I think two of my incision sites are infected and they are making my mouth taste disgusting and making everything painful. I don't know why, either! I've been doing everything right. ;~;

Going for post-op follow-up tomorrow. God willing they will give me something to make my mouth stop being a bitch. For now, self-medicating with q-tips, Listerine, lemon water, and popsicles.

It was a good couple of days, though! Hung out with Mizu and Krystal, then Krystal and Gillian, then Krystal, then Mizu again, all in quick and wonderful succession. Watched a documentary on the Miss Gay America pageant, footled around in emerald!verse, got some shit done. Today I got my ~LAST VACCINATION~ and went to Ikea with my mom and bought a few cute things for my dorm. Managed to get through work okay, too.

It's nice to know why I'm in a foul mood, at least, and know that it's nothing really bad and I should swing out of it by tomorrow or thereabouts. Now if my mouth would just quit hurting.
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