Uploading brushes

Jun 28, 2007 02:12

I've been uploading loads of brushes to PSP9 over the last couple of days. I've also been sorting them into the various folders in "My PSP" like "Masks", "Brushes", "Textures". I then enable the folder and subfolders. The items are showing up when I do the pulldown to find them. So I'm not having trouble with that part. The problem is now PSP9 is almost refusing to work. It takes forever to start and then load the brushes. And if I want to add another brush, PSP has a fit and takes almost 3 minutes to load to create a brush tip and I can only do about three of them before having to shut the whole thing off.
Here's pretty much how it goes:

Open > Export Brush > Custom Brush > Loading Cache (which takes over 5 minutes) > checking for new items (takes over 3 minutes) > checking for new items (Does this again. This takes over 5 minutes). Then PSP goes white screen and it saves the cache as it very slowly counts up to 100%. It continues to crank away again for over 5 minutes. It also goes white screen for many minutes each time I go to load the next brush.

Is there some sort of limit to how many brushes PSP will accept?

Can someone please help me fix this? I'm going crazy!
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