We're going to make gold text. Doesn't that sound like fun? (smile)
It will end up looking like this:
(Go behind the cut to see the full-size version.)
- Start by opening PSP7.
We're going to end up with something like this:
- Open a new image that's 400 x 200 pixels, white.
- Go to your Tool Palette and select the Text tool. (It resembles the letter A.)
- Click on your white image, which will open the Text Entry window. Use the following settings:
Name: Arial (or any larger font you wish)
Size: 72 (or another large size)
Bold: selected
Stroke: White
Fill: White
Stroke: off
Fill: off
Create as: Floating
Auto kern: selected
Note: Feel free to use other fonts and differing sizes, of course! If you normally 'create as' Vector, be sure you've got that set to Floating -- otherwise this tutorial won't work!
- Type your text and click OK.
All you're going to see is the selected outline of your text, because you've added white text to a white background.
If necessary, use the built-in Mover tool that's part of your Text tool to reposition your text so it's centered on your image. Or, alternately, you can use the Mover tool (Tool Palette) to do this -- again, if necessary. Ideally you'll want your text to be centered side to side and top to bottom.
Important Note: You'll be leaving the text SELECTED during the entire tutorial -- so be sure you don't deselect!
- Go to your Color Palette. Under Styles set the Stroke Color to black and the Fill Color to white. (Textures Stroke and Fill should be turned off/null.)
(To change colors click inside the rectangle to open the Color window and set the new colors.)
- Go to Effects > Artistic Effects > Hot Wax Coating.
You'll now see black inside the selected text area.
- Go to Selections > Modify > Feather.
The Feather Selection window will open. Set this to 5 and click OK.
- Press the Delete key on your keyboard.
Your selected text will now look as if it's embossed/raised.
- Return to your Color Palette. Set the Stroke Color to white.
- Go back to Effects > Artistic Effects > Hot Wax Coating.
This will give you the look of metal.
Time to make it gold!
- Go to Colors > Colorize.
The Colorize window will open. Use these settings:
Hue: 35
Saturation: 170
Click OK.
Optional Step: If you'd like to Save a copy of your gold text with a transparent background for future use, then right-click on the top bar of your selected gold text and pick Copy (or hit Ctrl+C). Go to a blank part of the workspace, right-click and pick Paste As New Image (or hit Ctrl+V). You can now Save this copy -- but be sure to use the Paint Shop Pro Image (.psp) format!
You can now add this text to other images (banners, headers and blends) whenever you wish!
Let's return to our original image! If you wish, you can now add a drop shadow...
- Go to Effects > 3D Effects > Drop Shadow.
The Drop Shadow window will open. Use these settings:
Vertical: 2
Horizontal: 4
Opacity: 80
Blur: 4
Color: Black
Click OK.
Note: Obviously when using the Copy of your text that's on the transparent background, you also have the option to add a drop shadow. But I'd recommend you don't save it with one, as there might be times you'd prefer to have the text without a drop shadow.
- Finally, go to Selections > Select none. Your finished text will look like this:
Or, if you decide not to use a drop shadow, your finished text will look like this:
All that's left to do is to Save! (smile)
By the way, by changing the Colorize settings, you can also get:
Copper Text -- Hue: 20
Darker Gold -- Hue: 30
Silver -- Hue: 150, Saturation: 80
You might discover more by playing around with those settings! (grin)
It's a wonderful effect -- and as you can see, it's simple to do. So give it a shot and feel free to show us what you come up with.
Have fun!
==CharlieMC, assistant moderator