The 'QUICK' Series
Our Moderator (Kevin
kevinr) agreed I could do a series of 'QUICK' tutorials here. These are short and simple explanations of how to do something BASIC using Paint Shop Pro.
NOTE: Because these are short, I'll assume you know the BASICS of how to find things in PSP -- and how to use the various tools and palettes. These are designed with the beginner in mind -- or for users who have a little less experience using the software.
But for further help, check out my 'HOW TO' series, via:
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MEMORIESThis tutorial requires the use of BOTH Paint Shop Pro 7 and Animation Shop 3. (But starting with PSP7, AS3 comes 'bundled' with the software -- so I'll assume that everyone has both available to use.)
This time around we're going to try the rain animation effect. Ready? Let's go!
We'll start with this:
And end with something like this:
Actually, we'll end with one of these:
Start with any ready-made icon you have available. I'll be showing the effect by starting with this:
(Feel free to use it if you wish. But you'll probably want to make a new base all your own...)
What you do to create your BASE is entirely up to you. (Feel free to add brush effects, etc. as you want.) Icon ready? OK, let's get started!
- Open both PSP7 and AS3.
- Start with your original icon image. Save it and make two copies. (You can then close the original. Always work with a copy -- of course!)
- The first copy will be our BASE. For now, leave it and move to your second copy.
- Working with the second copy, go to Effects = Noise = Add. Use these settings:
Noise: 72
Random: selected
(Later when you're used to the effect you can feel free to 'play around' with these settings, of course! But for now, stick with the above.)
- Now go to Effects = Blur = Motion Blur. Use these settings:
Angle: 149
Intensity: 30
- Now you need to make a choice. Do you want colored rain (the colors of the 'Noise' you just applied), gray (black and white) rain -- or one solid color rain?
If you want gray rain...
Go to Colors = Greyscale (which makes the image black and white).
If you want colored rain...
You'll use the colors that are there, meaning you get to SKIP this step!
If you want one solid color rain...
The best way is to make a new Image (100 x 100) and then add your color (whatever it is) to this. Keep it to add each time you change the second layer. (Trust me, this is easier than adding a new layer to put your color in, as you'll be using Undo to get back to the beginning stage of the icon for each animation frame!) By the way, I used a blue color: #8080FF
Take this colored icon, right-click and Copy. Go to the second (blurred) copy and right-click on it and Paste as new Layer.
Open your Layer palette (you knew that was coming, right?). Lower the Opacity of the colored layer to 50%.
- Time to add the second/blurred copy to our BASE image! Right click on it and Copy.
NOTE: If you used the solid-color mode, you'll need to Copy Merged, otherwise you'll only copy the color -- and not the blurred image!
- Go to the BASE. Right-click and Paste as new layer.
- Open your Layer palette. (I'm going to assume you know how to use the layer palette, by the way.)
- Lower the Opacity of your blurred layer to 50%.
Time to start our animation!
- Right-click and Copy Merged.
- Go to AS3. Right-click anywhere on the blank workspace and Paste as new animation. This will be frame one of your animation!
- Return to PSP7. Go to your second/blurred copy and hit the Undo button (standard toolbar) until you're back to the original image (without Noise and Blur applied).
- You'll now REPEAT the steps that add Noise and Blur, but with one change -- use these settings:
Noise: 76
Random: selected
IMPORTANT: This is what creates the actual animated rain, so it's important to do it correctly!
- Now you'll Copy this second/blurred image on the BASE.
NOTE: The BASE already has your LAST layer there. You've got a choice -- you can either click the Layer Visibility Toggle (eyeglasses) to off, or simply DELETE the layer you added previously. You need to ONLY be seeing the current layer added to the Background (original BASE image).
- Again, lower your Opacity to 50% (exactly as before). Then right-click and Copy Merged.
- Go to AS3 to frame one of your animation. Right-click = Paste = After current frame.
- Repeat everything one final time.
Yes, this animation only consists of THREE frames, believe it or not!
- When you get to Noise, use these settings:
Noise: 80
Random: selected
(Again, you can 'play' with these settings! Don't be afraid to fool around with them, once you understand the basic idea...)
NOTE: The 'Noise' setting is what makes the animation. You need to add to it for each additional frame. You can see I added 4 each time, but you could do this differently, if you prefer.
- Once you're back in AS3 with your final/third frame, it's time to Preview! Click the View Animation button on your standard (top) toolbar. (Right-hand side, second in from right.)
- Time to Save! Hit the F12 key on your keyboard. Type a name. There's no need to change any settings, so just keep hitting the 'Next' button, until you reach 'Finish.' (Hit the finish button.)
Yes, you CAN also play with the SPEED of your animation, if you want, but you'll find the default is very natural and rain-like, I think.
NOTE: Remember that for use at LiveJournal, an icon must be under 40k in size! Always pay attention to the size, just to be safe...
That does it! Now you know how to create that popular rain effect that everyone likes to use...
Bri, assist. moderator