Nov 11, 2010 10:32
[Edit: Nixed on the grounds of the comment from yagagriswold. Back to the drawing board ... ]
I hope I’m not getting people sick of this name-choosing process! But I’d like to run one more idea past you folks:
Invest in Our Country:
A Pro-Tax Network
The primary issues I’m thinking about are:
(1) Make it clear what the organization stands for.
(2) “Paying Our Share” is the name that gets the most positive responses, but also the most negative responses. I’m concerned about a name that strikes multiple people as smug and distasteful. I also found helpful beccalive’s comment about not wanting to foreground vexed issues of fairness; that verbalized a disquiet I’ve been feeling.
(3) “Invest in Our Country” is (to quote beccalive) a “summary of what I think taxes ought to be.” I like that.
(4) But is it too long? My impression is that business names are usually one or two words, while not-for-profit names are often three words (where little words like “in” don’t fully count). I notice that three friends in the techy/business world have suggested avoiding a name longer than two words, but most commenters did not object to three-word names on grounds of length. “Invest in Our Country” fits on one line of my draft business card in a nice big font, which is one of my criteria. So I think it’s OK, but it does add up to a lot of characters in an email address!
(5) I like reclaiming patriotism, but names that do so explicitly seem to feel polemical to me, and I don’t want to be polemical - we have enough strident voices around. A title that refers to “our country” feels more gently patriotic and therefore more comfortable for me.
(6) Most importantly, I guess, this is the first name that I’ve felt I could live with in a long-term relationship. But so far it’s been only an hour, so I’m not sure whether to trust that feeling.
I’m feeling some time-pressure about this issue because there’s a conference next Wednesday at the Federal Reserve building in Boston on reducing the deficit, where several people I’ve been reading are speaking. I want to get a better sense of them and their organizations, so I’m going to the conference, and it would be helpful to have business cards printed by then.
Thoughts? Reactions? Connotations?