Jan 25, 2010 07:01
Yesterday was a pretty rad birthday.
We had gone out with Tristianne, and we were headed back to the house when, at three minutes to midnight, he exited the highway and pulled into a Ross parking lot outside of a Whataburger. Neil Young's greatest hits album was in the CD player. I quickly scanned through to Harvest Moon. The first thing I got on my birthday was a kiss. Then, he turned up the stereo, got out of the car, and came around to my side. He opened the door for me, and then we danced at midnight to Harvest Moon under a first quarter moon. It was our first dance.
What birthday could go wrong with a start like that?
I also got to see my family, go eat with the city friends, and watch Zoolander with D&A.
I'm loving this chill-business.