
Sep 16, 2010 06:42

Hospitalized last night. After a day running around to get a second Iv infusion at 9, get told that I look worse so the dr was sending me to get a CT scan to rule out any issues in the sinuses, back and forth to work to try to deal with meetings, I get told that I might have a strain of bacteria that is drug resistant. An that it needs a very strong med. And that it can only be done inpatient.

I said no, that I'd see the dr the next day at 9am again and we can make a call then...that didn't go over well with Glenn or my boss, both of whom lectured me. So I called her back and said ok admit me.

Got to the hospital around 6 and was put in a semiprivate room...was psyched cause the other person was being discharged. Didn't last long tho...they brought in a very elderly lady who has been dealing with a migraine for 5 days and passed out.

Hospitals suck. You are supposed to rest but then you get someone really sick all of 4 feet away separated from you by a curtain. She mutters to herself all the time and moans with each exhale, and has spent the night repeatedly vomiting and calling the nurses in. At one point she threw up violently enough that she popped her IV and they had to change everything...lovely at 1am. And to hear her using the bedpan over and over....

I am so fucking tired. And why do nurses call everyone honey????

She just told the nurses she's sorry she is keeping that other person in the room awake... =(

The good thing is my nose seems less swollen this morning and is definitely less tender. Getting a second infusion of this strong med, which gave me "red many syndrome" in such a huge way last night.

I want to go home!

hospital, facial cellulitis

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