Aug 11, 2009 08:12
Don't know why, but the pain level has dropped from yesterday's recent all time high of 9-10 to a pretty easy to deal with 3-4. I have literally spent the last few nights curled up in a ball on my bed crying, just wanting it to STOP - last night was the worst, maybe I cried it all out. Yesterday had to tell one of my two friends who applied to the job opening that reports to me that the other person was chosen. Sucked. I could never be in HR or recruiting and doing that on a regular basis. Granted, I know that those people won't have the emotional connection I did in this case, but still, good luck with that. How to tell Ty likes his new girlfriend - he rode HIS BIKE - HIS BIKE!!! - over to her house, which is a few miles away, in the nasty heat and humidity. I picked both him and his bike up at the end of the day. LOL. I like this girl. She's a grade under him, but she's funny, and nice, and she kicks ASS in video games, and can beat him in Super Smash Brothers, Halo, Left for Dead, etc - they're closely matched in those. I'm psyched he found kids to hang out with, including GIRLS *gasp*, that share his love of this stuff. Plus, she's a kick ass drummer for their band on Rock Band. He hasn't shared his new relationship with his grandparents yet - I wonder if the fact that Caitlyn is half black even penetrates Tyler's mind, but I wonder what the reactions might be with some others. *cough* Audi being worked on tomorrow, SO glad to get that done. Gotta call the vet today about Buddy, and keep an eye out for more test results. Gotta say, the pain of the past several days has made me really scared about the surgery that's coming up. Like - serious reconsidering has to be done here. Last night I would have cancelled in a second if the drs had been open. I felt like I could not make it through more of that, or worse than that, why would I do that, what's the point - can't say it makes any more sense to me this morning, but I'm waiting on these results for some clarity (hopefully).