Feb 23, 2009 9:59 pm US/Eastern Reports Of Norovirus On The Rise In MA
*sigh* Yeah, I'll say. Ty was miserable all day long, the stomach cramping was intense, and he threw up a million times. By 3:30 yesterday I knew it wasn't long for me so I went home, and just in time. Talking to my SIL, she was hit at work, and ended up so sick she passed out in the public bathroom and was taken to the ER.
So far both Ty and I have been able to keep water down for about an hour this morning, which is far better. The worst today is a SEVERE headache worse than any migraine I've had in forever and body aches (complicated for me yay) that Advil is bringing down to a normal headache. Ty pulled muscles in his chest I think because he keeps saying how he thought he was having a heart attack overnight.
I always say "I wish I could get sick just so I can stay home and do nothing", but I always forget how when I'm this sick, I don't want to even watch tv...I just want silence, and to sleep.