Ambien not ready to leave the party this morning. C'mon coffee...
Gotta get the Honda worked on this morning, which means I have to get there early enough to get one of the workstations they have set up, and just work from there.
Did not take the nose spray yesterday, and did not have the same feelings for the most part - had a few dizzy spells during the day, but I did not sit down all day long yesterday. Went to put away laundry the day before and the horrifying dust bunnies under everything got a bunch dirty again when I dropped it and I got pissed, so yesterday went nuts cleaning out my bedroom - throwing away things I don't remember why I kept, using the vacuum like a pro, and making everyone drag furniture around the room. it's shocking, the difference. My room is twice the size now, just by moving my bed AWAY from the windows, basically switch the location around. And with the temps yesterday up near 50, I had all the windows open it was awesome.
I've now got my own little sanctuary over in the corner of the room, a basket full of books, my book lite, my stuffed bunny from my dad, a framed poem given to me by someone important. I have a little area with my favorite teddy bears, yes I know, I'm 42 not 14 I don't give a damn. I have a grown up room. And yes, I am sore, and tired, but it's more a 5 than a usual 10 after so much.
Then chose to go to Unos for my birthday dinner, because what's more festive than Pizza Skins?
Online Fibro course focusing this week on Managing Emotions. Might be first chapter I don't do well on. >.>
So groggy. Think I'll skip the nose spray one more day, and then try it tomorrow and check on the symptoms, given that yesterday I also took an allergy pill due to all the dust, so I don't know if that helped me with the dizzy/nauseous.
Oh, first freak out about Kelsey driving Saturday night. Semi-formal, both kids going, so Kelsey went to a friend's house first to get ready with them, then came back and got Tyler. Told both of them - you know, BOTH kids with CELL PHONES that we now made sure work very well at Westford Academy - "Call when you get there and when you leave". I know, annoying, but tough, it's called responsibility. 20 mins - no call. 30 mins - no call. Start to get mad. Call both over and over - one goes to VM, so no signal, one rings and rings, so signal and they can't hear it. I must have called Ty 18 times with no answer. So now i'm shaking, and ready to put my clothes on and go find the flaming wreck I see in my mind. Start texting Kelsey's friends - is she there. Michelle says "I'm not there yet..." OK. Erinn says "Yes, who is this". Umm - her mom - have her call me. Then THAT takes 10 mins.
She's lucky she's got the car, but she's also lucky that I can check cell records and see that she DID SEND A TEXT when they got there, it just didn't go through to me till the next day. "I thought it was too noisy!" Yeah. Next time I say call you CALL, because then there's no question of having signal at the time. I was shocked how upset I was.
SO want to go back to bed...