Jan 03, 2014 16:35
First storm of 2014 started yesterday morning and ended midmorning today - we got about 10 inches. Mom got about 20. Took an hour to dig out this morning, and then I was off to work, to listen to everyone bitch and moan that they had to come in today, that they "had to RISK THEIR LIVES" - reminded them that they have the choice anytime they need to to not come in and use a personal day, but that just brought more ranting. Couldn't get warm, and as the day went on, started to feel achey, head hurting, joints, eyes glassy, and cheeks bright red. Home now. Fever. Maybe even conjunctivitis, we'll see on that one - eyes feel full of sand, but one is red and blurry. No one else is home, so the fire is going, the puppies are cuddling, and I'm going to be miserable alone, and kill some time with the new Stephen King (which is amazing) or some more Diablo 3.
Kelsey called the dr. about the lump - and then realized she couldn't find it anymore. So I was probably right in that it was just a swollen duct or lymph node or something - and she'll follow up at her annual checkup at the end of the month.
Hope to de-Christmas this weekend...we'll see how I feel.