
Jul 03, 2006 00:43

I am also new to the community, and I also come bearing fic. Not exactly five-star fic, but fic nonetheles, and vaguely Tetsu and D paired. ^^

Title: I won
Rating: PG
Pairing: Vague Tetsu/D?

Another one-shot Petshop of Horrors fic by Shadow!

Title: I won

Disclaimer: I don’t own Petshop of horrors, only this non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfic. Ok? Petshop of horrors belongs to Matsuri Akino.

Notes: I support D x Tetsu! I do not like D x Leon… besides, this pairing needs more support. In my humble opinion, there’s more evidence of D x Tetsu than D x Leon in the manga in Chinese…

Timeline: Post-Book 10 of the manga

Tetsu’s POV

I won.

It almost makes me want to laugh, to jump in the air with giddy twirls of laughter, but I have to be dignified.

I am a rare Totetsu after all.

But I won! I won! That stupid, worthless human shall never bother Count D or I again! He’s mine now…

Was there really _any_ contest?

Certainly, the detective was an annoyance, and Count D would, how shall we say, tease him to make him leave, but…

It didn’t matter.

It wasn’t as if the Detective showed _him_ affection. Hell, he treated our sanctuary like it was his personal kingdom and we were slaves!

I do wish, before we had left, that D could have slapped him, or beat him into submission, but that’s just my fantasy.

Chris though… he’s a nice enough kid.

I do wish he weren’t related to the Detective though. But I don’t love Chris.

My heart will only belong to the Count.

Speaking of which… he seems to be talking to me now, all right…

“So, Tetsu, where to next?”

He is asking me for my opinion? Well, we could stay here for a bit before traveling the globe…

“I suppose we will go to another Chinatown?”

He smiled. “Yes.”

Hmm… I wonder…

“How about New York?”

“That is an excellent idea, Tetsu.” He smiled at me, and it was a _real_ smile, not the smirk he gives the Detective.

Stupid Detective.

Well, I won, didn’t I? Didn’t I? Of course I did! I won! So there…

He smiles as he walks to another section of the boat to talk to another animal, but that is no matter.

He’s mine, and I am his.


Stupid, stupid Detective

Humans can’t come between our love… can’t you see it now?

Oh, gloating is fun…

I won! I have a right to gloat!
And so I do, as our ship sails past the stars.


End Fic

Woah, short! ^-^;

Completed 7/25/04

Oh well, if people can write drabbles, I can write short fics…

And... one more.

Title: Quite Simple
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: D/Tetsu

So after being repeatedly asked to branch out from writing pokemon fanfiction, I decided.

Category: Pet shop of Horrors…

Title: Quite Simple

Disclaimer: I don’t own Petshop of Horrors. It belongs to Matsuri Akino. This non-profit, non-copyright infringing fanfiction belongs to me!

Notes: D x Tetsu pairing because I like it better than Leon x D. I get the manga in Chinese, so it may not be exactly like the English manga.

I think this is the totetsu’s POV (Tetsu/T-chan)

You ask my why I decided to stay with Count D in the Petshop?

I’ll tell you.

It wasn’t fear of the electric chair, oh no… No, those humans might be able to get their filthy hands on me temporarily, but I would escape.

Hn. Fools.

They’re prey, really, all of them, acting so brave with the guns and straightjackets, those police mocking through the bars when they were sure I couldn’t move, but if I caught them alone any one night…


Oh, it was torture, sitting there for the few hours… so close, and yet, I couldn’t eat any of them.

I’m a gourmet, but I’m not picky. After all, one has to eat. But D… Count D… ah, his lips were so sweet. I had no doubt the rest of him was as sweet.

Such a pity if that Detective had not interrupted… he would have been mine…

What’s this?

Ah! He came to see me. I do wish I could talk…

I can… go with him to the Petshop where I’ll be safe?

Well… why not? Certainly, free food sounds quite appealing, no need to chase down those screaming idiots I devoured… let us.


Ah, the Detective dropped by because he heard of my death. Well, I suppose I am glad I shed my false form.

Count D does have very nice hands, I’m purring when he strokes my fur. Oh yes, that spot is nice! And his hands are very soft and nice, just like I thought when I touched him face to face.

What a gruesome death ‘I’ died. It was so creative of the Count. I owe him now, don’t I? I wonder what he expects of me?

I don’t like that Detective.

If it hadn’t been for him… but no matter, now the Count is _mine_, not his, and that’s what really matters…

“Tetsu? Are you all right?” D looks at me worriedly.

“Fine.” It’s a pity that mongrel of a detective can’t see my true form. Oh, that would strike him gibbering into terror.

But even if I killed him, I’d never eat him.

He drinks beer all the time and he smokes and ugh, his body would taste absolutely terrible. True, I’m not that picky but he’d taste like an ashtray and a gourmet like I would not tolerate that!


I think he was surprised when I kissed him. Admittedly, I was too, but I really needed ‘cheering up’, as the humans put it, after that rude Detective. Why does D tolerate him? The others say he has been by before.

Ridiculous. He’s not worth it.

In any case, I put on my most adorably charming look, and he did not reprimand me, but simply continued that awfully nice petting…

And so I stayed, because I think this was where I really belonged.

No worries… and no fear… there was nothing that could hurt me, except that Detective but I would keep him away, even if I had to bite him to do it.

I think, that with no other of my kind left in America…

This is as close to home as I will get.

And it is all right.

Besides, I made D smile.

Maybe he’ll be _mine_ now, like he’s meant to be.


Short, very short, what do you think? My first PSOH fic…

Completed 7/23/04

I don’t know that much about Tetsu’s character even though I have all 10 manga in Chinese, so I hope it was accurate. I do know that he hates and refused to eat Leon, claiming he was a gourmet in book 5.

Wow, this is really old stuff I dug up from my computer. Hopefully I can write better fic now!
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