Title: Twilight
Pairing: Leon X D
Appearing: Q-chan, and Momo (at least a mention)
Rated: R for smex, thank you.
Warnings: Go away if you're not allowed to read smex, please.
Third one in an arc, with quite possibly more to come. Comments, please, cause they are manna, man.
One Evening
The Count stood on the sidewalk, carefully observing the
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Comments 10
You wrote the characters - especially Leon and Q-chan - wonderfully. I could see Leon acting this way for the one he loves (which is obviously D), and Q-chan's dislike of Leon seemed appropriate too...though I'm not sure about that. He was there throughout the manga and didn't seem to really dislike Leon...he always struck me as neutral.
But you did an AMAZING job on this, and I'll be adding it to my memories. I hope you do write more for this fandom!
And I am writing more. It's a sickness, an obsession, and I'll never get my taxes done!
Perhaps Q-chan WANTS to dislike Leon, but he really doesn't? You made an excellent point: Q-chan really did go to Leon for help, and he wouldn't do that unless he thought Leon would help and was trustworthy. If he'd really want Leon gone from the shop, I have no doubt he could have done it easily.
I think it'd be Leon from D's clutches, personally. D strikes me as the type to be really self-aware. He'd know he was attracted to Leon, but I'm not sure he'd act on it. Though he might not understand all the emotions that go with being attracted to someone. Like jealousy and whatnot.
*Ahem* Sorry for the rambling! YAY for more fics! XD
Ditto the squickiness of mpreg, but since we're dealing with a hermaphroditic D, it doesn't bother me in this context.
Looking forward to the next one!
: D
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