(no subject)

Nov 15, 2004 16:34

Title: Dependable
Thursday St Giles
Rating: PG
Pairing: D/Leon
Word Count: 90 (or 96, depending on how you look at it...)
Notes: In response to “broken” weekly challenge.

But Leon didn’t raise his voice. He didn’t grab D and shake him violently. He didn’t even scowl. Instead, he wore a terrible, knowing expression and D felt his heartbeat step up as he took a step back.
(hand around his wrist) This wasn’t how it was supposed to happen. (pulling closer, but gently) D had set down clear rules. (hot breath stirring his hair) There was a routine to follow. (warm lips, warmer tongue) Leon was a creature of habit. (shivers up his spine)
And he was breaking it.
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