A Foolish Gift

Apr 01, 2011 17:12

Title: A Foolish Gift
Author: ladyofthethread
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Characters involved: Leon, Count D, T-Chan
Notes: Well, if anyone’s still here, I wrote a drabble for April’s Fools Day.

“Hey, Count, I brought you some candy.” Leon offered an elegant box inscribed with the name of the most expensive confectionery in town.

D eagerly took it, anticipating decadent truffles artistically decorated and infused with exotic spices. “Ooh, detective, how nice-” Delight was quickly replaced with disdain as he opened the box to find not gourmet chocolates but commonplace mass-produced candy wrapped in cheap foil. There was a hint of danger in his tone. “Leon, what is the meaning of this?”

“April Fool!” Leon doubled over, laughing.

The Count whispered in T-Chan’s ear.



D smirked. “April Fool.”
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