(no subject)

Nov 15, 2008 14:32

Title: Microbiology
Author: Jeweleyes
Rating: PG
Word count: 360
Characters: Papa D, Vesca Howell
Notes: Waaayy long response to challenge # 237

A shriek of mingled despair and rage rang across the lab.
"What is it?!" Vesca raced across the lino. "My samples!" D snarled, holding up a petri dish. "Some idiot cross-contaminated them by knocking the lids off! They're useless!"
Vesca winced as D picked up an empty test tube and shattered it against the wall. "Maybe there's some untouched samples farther back in the warmer?" he dug through the storage unit, grabbing a plastic container in the very back. "What's this? Oh yeah, that's my pasta salad. I brought it in for lunch a couple months ago, I must've forgotten I put it in there..."
"You put pasta salad in a piece of scientific equipment?!" D grabbed the lapel of Vesca's lab coat and glared up into the taller man's face, his eyes murderous.
"Hey, I only intended to leave it in there for a few moments!" he slammed the container down on the table, knocking the tinfoil cover askew. "We mortal humans sometimes get distracted and forget things, your Highness!"
D's jaw went slack as he gasped. Vesca looked down and fought a sudden urge to touch D's delicately-boned cheek in reassurance. Then the moment was over as D's eyes wandered to the container of partially-rotted pasta. In a sudden rush of excitement, he released his hands from Vesca's coat and hurried to retrieve a clean glass slide.
"What is it?" the American asked, confused, as his associate scraped the slide across the surface of the forgotten meal and reverently placed it under the lens of a microscope.
"The color. The pattern. It's the very same..." D looked up, astonished. "As the sample I was trying to cultivate!"
Vesca let out a loud bray of laughter. "My God! All those months, all those extra hours, and my pasta salad..." gasping for breath, he was unable to continue his thought.
Once again, fury stole over D's face. Then he giggled. Not a cold, sarcastic laugh, but a real, genuine response to an improbable situation. Together the two laughed until tears ran down their faces. Students passing by the door wondered what chemicals had been mixed without the vent hoods running
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