Taming of the Shrew by The Seventh
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5615004/1/Taming_of_the_Shrew Through a Glass Darkly by LadySirius32158(updated)
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5059160/1/Through_a_Glass_Darkly The Failure Fairy Tales by Enaty
A name, a name, what's in a name? ... and, moreover, what's in D's name?
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6031429/1/The_Failure_Fairy_Tales The Flower Situation by Sapphirefoxgirl
Summary:Just what happened the night Leon had inturrupted the breeding of the two flowers that had become infauated with him?Well,I think it went a little something like this.Slight D/Leon,rated M for a distressing scene for Leon...Poor Leon, I do torture him so.
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/5790790/1/The_Flower_Situation The Lowiest of Creatures by anodracs
Notes: Response to challenge #269. Inspired by gegeanne's drabble, and by the moth hanging out over the door of the room that I'm in.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohdrabble/405164.html#cutid1 The Woods Are Lovely, Dark, and Deep by hina88
http://anime.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600047958 The Face in the Mirror by Flora_Winters]
http://anime.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600045842 The Change by dextrousleftie(Leon/D), (OC/Sofu), (OC/Lord D), (OC/Jill)
Okay... I didn't which ones went the story series and which ones didn't so I lumped all together.
http://anime.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600041743http://anime.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600042598http://anime.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600043250http://anime.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600044174http://anime.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600045232http://anime.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600045823http://anime.adultfanfiction.net/story.php?no=600047986 Title: The Clash
Author: tigersilver)
Pairing: D/Leon
Rating: PG-13
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/45255.html Title: The Sound of Silence
Author: Jeweleyes
Pairing: D/Leon
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Leon takes D to a karaoke bar. Weirdness happens.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/5718.html Title: The Morning Constitution
Author: Voodooroller
Rating: PG (Lime flavored)
Type: on going/in progress
Pairing: D/Leon
Notes: Summary--Leon is insomniac, shows up at D's and....
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/551.html Title: The Usual
Rating: PG
Fandom: Crossover (Harry Potter/Petshop of Horrors)
Notes: All right, you jokers. This is for all of you who think Snape and Count D look so much alike. But specifically, I blame ariadneelda.
http://rexluscus.livejournal.com/219737.html#cutid1 Title: Unforgotten Lost
Author: MysticRice
Rating: PG-13 (for language - Chris ain't a morning person)
Characters: Chris, Leon, Totetsu, and eventually Count D
Notes: Okay the part 1 is an introduction. Setting is after 12 years after the
manga ends, inspired by Spirited Away and Petshop of Horrors: December.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/1279.html Title:The Detective Falls
Pairing: D/Leon
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 1728
Notes: Alternate Timeline, no major spoilers.
http://community.livejournal.com/fic_on_demand/504310.html#cutid1 Title: This Is Not A Test
Author: tigersilver
Pairing: D/Leon
Rating: G
I lost a friend last night, a very beautiful woman who fought the good fight against ovarian cancer for more than a year. The world is not the same without her - she is, was and will be always an indescribibly fascinating and charming person, one who touched many. As I was in the midst of this when it happened and had just reached that final door, I transformed her into a unicorn, for in the truest sense she is a magical creature, to be valued above rubies. I hope that I see her again, some day, if not in this life or this sphere, than another. With love, to Judy
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/35762.html Title: The Next Day
Author :tigersilver
Pairings: Leon/D
Rating: G
Remarks: All done. With bows to Anne Rice and Terry Pratchett (Small Gods) and an apology for tweaking European history somewhat, here is that last of this arc. I hope you like it - it's rather long, so attempt to stick with me, till the very end!
Thanks to: Techiegoat for being so kind, and everyone who put up with my constant, annoying posting.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/29639.html Title: The Sweetest Thing
Author: anactoria
Rating: PG-13
Characters involved: Leon, D, Taizuu
Notes: Written for stagesoflove Week 5 (Prompt: Chocolate).
I've been posting these to psohdrabble, but this final one got a little too long. ;) If you'd like to read them from the beginning, the first one is here and the rest are linked. :)
http://anactoria.livejournal.com/14212.html Title: Tired
Author: madwriter223
Pairing: Leon/D, Chris
Rating: PG
Warning: Fluff, possibly
http://community.livejournal.com/psohdrabble/419678.html#cutid1 Title: Things Unsaid
Author: anactoria
Rating: G
Word count: 100
Pairings or characters involved: Chris, Sam, Leon, ?
Notes: Response to challenge #286: Announcement. Or more correctly a reverse-response. Set quite a few years post-manga, in case that isn't clear. ;)
http://community.livejournal.com/psohdrabble/415937.html#cutid1 Title:To Start From Scratch
Pairing: D/Leon
http://deusssexmachina.livejournal.com/8705.html Title: The Leopard Hunt
Author: madwriter223
Pairing: Leon/D
Summary: The hunt is afoot, with D as the prey.
Rating: NC-17
Warning: Hermaphrodite!D, for the most part. And a surprise ending.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/58938.html Title: The Things They've Forged
Author :haruyuk
Rating: G
Fandom: Petshop of Horrors/Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
Notes: PSoH-wise, this would be set during the time when D's shop is in Shinjuku's Kabukichou. KHR-wise...I imagine this as taking place immediately after the Kokuyou arc; not that it really matters, though, because there's not much of a plot. ^_^*
http://haruyuki.livejournal.com/84077.html#cutid1 Title: To Explain by Example
Author: drachenmina
Pairings: Count D/Leon
Rating: NC17
Warnings: Blood, sex and dreams. But not all together. And the merest whiff of a suggestion of Mpreg.
Disclaimer: I own only the plot, and the dreams
Summary: Tracking D down, even with Leon’s dreams helping him out, is only half the battle.
Huge hugs for the beta and US-pick to the wonderful bluestocking79
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/29335.html Title: Time Will Not Forget
Fandom: Petshop of Horrors
Rating: PG
Warning: Angst?
A/N: I hope you all can enjoy some good angst and love right? 8DDD?
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/42101.html Tuatha de D by Mistress of the Sword
Summary: Leon has a secret: one that will affect his little brother, one that D is tryng to find out. What does the strange creature that keeps appearing in Leon's dreams have to do with it all? D/Leon, possible other pairings as fic progresses, rating subject to change
http://www.mediaminer.org/fanfic/view_st.php/86726 Title: Twilight
Pairing: Leon/D
Appearing: Q-chan, and Momo (at least a mention)
Rated: R for smex, thank you.
Warnings: Go away if you're not allowed to read smex, please.
Third one in an arc, with quite possibly more to come. Comments, please, cause they are manna, man.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/26559.html Title: The Woods Are Lovely, Dark, and Deep
Author: hina88 ( atanih88 )
Rating: PG
Pairing: Leon/D
Summary: D has never truly been gone.
A/N: Written for the springkink prompt - Leon/D: stories - The woods are lovely, dark, and deep. Wow 15min late lol I believe this is the best record I've set for a springkink so far. I hope you like this anyway : )
http://atanih88.livejournal.com/46415.html#cutid1 U
Title: Untitled
Pairing: reader's choice - gen or D/Leon
Rating: G
Word Count: 220
Warnings: assumes knowledge of events in "December"
Summary: Set in volume 6 at Christmas, not long after Leon and Chris' Aunt and Uncle have left. Just a quiet moment at the shop.
http://kanzenhanzai.livejournal.com/191315.html Title: Unforgotten Lost
Author: MysticRice
Rating: PG-13 (for language - Chris ain't a morning person)
Characters: Chris, Leon, Totetsu, and eventually Count D
Notes: Okay the part 1 is an introduction. Setting is after 12 years after the
manga ends, inspired by Spirited Away and Petshop of Horrors: December.
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/1279.html Title Untitled
Pairing: Leon/D (eventually)
Style: Chapters
http://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/21092.htmlhttp://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/21294.htmlhttp://community.livejournal.com/psohfanfiction/22146.html Title: Unwilling Sleep
Pairing: D/Leon
A Pet Shop of Horrors novel set after the end of volume 10 of the original manga. It looks as if D and Leon will be separated forever--until D makes a choice that will change both their lives. But can he and Leon live with the consequences of his decision? This story is rated NC-17 and is not for minors.
http://telanu.thirteenblackbirds.net/fic_psoh/unwilling_sleep_menu.html Title: Unexpected
Author: yellowhorde
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Pairings or characters involved: Leon Orcot with mentions of his mother and Chris
Notes: This was written for the LiveJournal community, psohdrabble. Challenge #286 - Announcement
http://yellowhorde.livejournal.com/852701.html Unbecoming Thoughts of One Count D by Sapphirefoxgirl