march to sept recs-D/Leon

Sep 24, 2013 13:59

D/leon fic by nightswhisper

Hard Sauce by Feather Qwill (Feather_Qwill)
Four Christmases, in varying states of disrepair

Incense by Cody_Thomas
Summary: Leon has hated the smell of incense ever since D left because it's always a dead end. So why does he still find himself looking every time? Because hope is always the last thing to die.

It All Started With A Vampire
Leon is confused. It was supposed to be just an act. So why does he have these feelings all of a sudden?

Living On Bottled Time by Cody_Thomas
Summary:Sometimes there's another choice between Death and Eternity.

Neverwhere by ImmortalBeloved--Updated--

Nightmare garden by Litaraniel
Oneshot. (Would be a part of a bigger story if said story's concept didnt perform suction.)
A really slight hint at Leon/D, just a teaspoon more than in canon. Or if not, let me know.

Not quite by Litaraniel
Summary:Jill finds someone wandering in the rain. Someone she recognizes, but who doesn't recognize her back. A life has to be rebuilt from scratch. And Leon will have kittens when he hears. Slight, but very deliberate Leon/D, so if you have problems with that...

PSOH 'These Delights, In Passing' by tigersilver
Summary:There is no denying the Detective is very much a sensual man, so why ever deny a certain Count appreciates that quality in him, very much?

Rules of Engagement by Umiki
Summary:AU, very AU. If Leon had to marry D, there were a few rules that D will follow no matter what!

Sinister and Exquisite by thursdaystgiles (mokuyoubi)
Summary: D sells Suhara a rather strange pet, and Leon joins ACME. But no one really gets quite what they expected, and nothing turns out how it should. Response to challenge #171. Carmen SanDiego (If bereft!Leon had been tailing her, she’d have been caught in a week.)

Somnambulism by squiggly_line
Summary:Leon finally sees.

Taming You by Miriluin
Summary:After sharing a dream, tensions rise between Leon and D. But does D only see a new pet in Leon? Takes place after Book 3. Rated M for future chapters!

The Twelve Days of Christmas by jabotus
Summary:Ever since convincing Count D to come back home, Leon has been struggling with his feelings toward the Count. Maybe it's time for him get himself sorted with the help of an old Christmas carol.

p to q, recs, h to i, l to m, r to s, d/leon, psoh, n to o, t to u, tag's, slash, d to e

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