Raspberry Chocolate?! Really, Really???

Aug 25, 2009 18:33

...Although for what it's worth, black forest cake is my favorite cake. The more cherries, the better.


Name/Nickname: Lindsey/Rinji/Zee

Age: 24

Astrological sign: Aquarius (with Virgo rising and Capricorn moon ^^)

Height: 5'9"

Describe your personality:
I'm pretty confusing to most people. I've come to the habit that when someone is mad at me I start to sing, "Kagome, kagome when will the bird come out of its cage?" then I ask the person who is behind them. Often they're confused and I smile, but really what I want to know, what I want them to answer to me, is who they think I am. Because people judge me incorrectly but I rarely feel like setting them right. I've had people call me an angel and a saint, others refer to me as evil and a monster. I always try to do the right thing, but sometimes the right thing is the hardest thing. I try to guide my friends when I see they're lost, but sometimes people mistaken pain for tragedy and they blame me for it. I'm often described as being pleasant, quiet, polite, cheerful, easy to get along with, responsible, dependable, kind, wise, understanding, helpful, and I'm always willing to learn new things. Although some people describe me as sneaky, manipulative, and (as my room mate described) a sadistic cock. I admit, I kind of like taunting people and pushing buttons. I like seeing people get angry and upset and start to panic under my own controlled situations. I can't help but laugh. It's mostly harmless fun. Much like this... [Story time!]

It was the day before Christmas eve and a few days previously my room mate's cat (had him for two months) died from kidney failure. So I went and searched for a cat for her while she looked for one herself. It had taken her months to find the cat she had, it took me days to find a new one. So I came and took my things as I left every weekend. "Leaving to wrap presents. Quit moping in the kitchen. If you make cookies when you're sad, they'll become salty and disgusting." "You're leaving me all alone! It's almost Christmas!" "I know. You're an orphan and I, your dearest friend, am abandoning you on this... the most meaningful holiday of togetherness. Try not to kill yourself, please." "You're such a dick! Coming back Christmas?" "No. I'm going to avoid you the next three days. Wake up alone and sad, please." "I hate you." I walked out. Then back in. "Forget something douche bag?" "I did! You see, there's this person who wants to meet you. He's alone on Christmas too. Perhaps you can make cookies together?" I held out the tabby with a big red bow on him, "HOLY SHIT!" "Do try to miss me while you bond, yes?" "This is so cheesy. A kitten with a bow on it on Christmas?" "Hmph, well fine. Be lonely!" "No! I'll... keep him. I think he likes me." "Good. See you tomorrow." "Not after Christmas?!" "Of course not! What kind of heartless bastard do you take me for? You fall for it every time." "I almost cried!" "Cry because you're happy. I'm out. See ya!" "I really hate you." "Love you, too."

So it's much like that. (I've never told a story in an app before.) Of course people also tend to call me arrogant and say I'm condescending. Ironically I don't think very much of myself. But I do my best to be nice to everyone and I try not to judge people too harshly. I prefer understanding them. But I've come to learn some people really are hopeless and deserve their misery. I'm not sure how well I've described my personality at this point. I'm passionate, compassionate, driven, and a bit cold. I hate sharing my emotions with people. I do my best to just smile or laugh. Even when I'm sad or uncomfortable. I don't like troubling people with how I feel. And sometimes that's why people tend to think I'm horrible. When sad things happen, I rarely cry. Unless I'm alone. And, according to a lot of people, I'm absolutely hilarious. According to my ex room mate... that was the only thing that made her not hate me. She loathed me except for the fact that I was interesting and made her laugh all the time.


Would you prefer to be rated as girl/boy/doesn’t matter?:
It's no matter to me. ^^

Have you rated 3, 9, 27, or 81 members? Please post the links: Rating 3 is mandatory unless there are no members to rate (i.e. you are one of the first ten or members have already been stamped and there are none for you to rate.)

1. x
2. x

I regret to say that there's no one else to vote on to make up 3.

Reading, writing, painting, sketching, sculpting, making jewelry, sewing, knitting, cooking, baking, gardening, decorating, makeup, hair cutting/styling, fortune telling, seeing, learning/studying, making tea (I'm kind of obsessed with tea --; having some right now), swimming, going for long walks, flower arranging, origami, Sumi-E, shopping, antiquing, spending time with people (I love listening to people talk, even eavesdropping), magick, candle making, candy making (chocolate TuT), reading manga, watching anime, flying kites, and lots of other things.

Sweets TuT I love... all things sugary... (when my mother was pregnant with me, I made her crave milky way bars and nothing but) I have regular fights with friends and room mates over how much sugar I put in my tea (normally it's 13 spoons, but sometimes I just tip the sugar bowl to save time), books (I love to read... mythology, psychology, magick, classical literature, poetry, koans, or just about anything I can get my hands on. Libraries and book stores excite me and I get lost in them.), makeup, fashion (I really love fine and very ornate clothing of all types like Asian clothing and lolita), Tea (!!!!), getting out and doing stuff, seeing new places (my friends laugh at me when I get excited about seeing new things), Art... I'm in love with Art and love creating things and raising things (not to try to set things, I'm known for giving people pets as gifts and keeping lots, but that's because I get along better with animals than people, though I love both but I have a way with animals and had since I was little... wild birds used to let me hold and pet them and cats follow me) but yeah I really love Art and making beautiful or adorable things it gives me deep satisfaction and I'm a tad obsessed with making various things, driving... I love driving *_* I can go anywhere, anywhere! But they warn me that I drive too fast so people are scared to get in the car with me. I get over-zealous and wind up at 95mph. I also love computers and I love people, I find them so interesting but I just don't get them sometimes. I love things that are old and antique, so I get excited in antique shops but then I like shopping in general (mostly Borders, Ulta, Victoria's Secret, Earth Bound, Wet Seal, and Asian food markets (all of those ingredients! So many foods I can maaaaake! Mochi!!)), I love my friends, as well. I'd be toast without them. I owe them a lot, including my life. I enjoy a lot of things, actually. ^^; This is summing up my very favorites. I might add that I like to cook and bake and I'm rather good at it. Mostly at baked sweets since that's what I like to eat. (Just made banana bread last night. It's gone already. Crepes with chocolate sauce for breakfast this morning lol My new room mate made my day.)

Being bothered when I'm reading, people reading over my shoulder, people talking or asking for my attention frequently while I'm reading (basically leave me alone if I'm reading unless it's important), black licorice (eck), people who scream a lot, people who pick on others without provocation (that's about the point that I step in, in defense), people who are inconsiderate, stupidity, bad manners, people who are self-centered, people who use others, people who get angry over nothing, being criticized, being sleepy, people who are lazy, slobs, feeling useless, people who get praised for something I did first or I did better, the cold... I freeze easily, people judging me incorrectly (really it's more of a disappointment), being ignored, people insisting they're right when I know that I am (opinions don't count, but when I know a fact and I'm told I'm wrong it irks me, though I just stop fighting my side of the argument and let them have their way i.e. a co-worker calling people from Taiwan "Taiwanians". I corrected her and said "The Taiwanese" and she says, "No, I'm pretty sure it's Taiwanians." it disappoints me with my expectations of some semblance of intelligence), being left out, getting bad grades, failing... I hate failing. More than almost anything, I hate failing. I hate letting people down and I REALLY hate letting myself down.

Intelligent, humorous, creative, good with people, good with animals, a great problem solver, a natural leader, fast learner, good reaction time, reliable, mostly easy-going, easy to get along with, talented, lucky, fun, high pain tolerance, friendly, hard-working, driven, helpful, useful, cute, out-going, brave (to the point of seeming stupid), understanding, able to sense things others can't, passionate, independent, energetic, and lots of other things.

Can be a bit arrogant/condescending (recent complaint), crappy immune system, hyper-sensitive, perfectionist, a little OCPD, a bit ADHD, sometimes too trusting of others other times too suspicious, a little naive, sadistic, too forgiving, particular about projects (I work well in a team, but mostly if someone gets in my way of a project I get irritated and make them leave the room or go get something, in a lot of ways I work better independently and pity anyone who tries to help me, unless they want their hands slapped and whined at), too giving, sometimes too open sometimes not open enough, taunting, I cover up emotions and fail to let most people close to me, easily made to feel guilty (I take the blame and responsibility even for things I had nothing to immediately do with and apologize profusely), can be clingy and doting, (sadly) I'm easily seduced, I over think things, am a bit unstable and come off as really odd to others.

Favorite color:
White. Although I got chastised by an Art professor for picking white because, as she said, "White is NOT a color!" I like white for all that it symbolizes, but if you subscribe to the idea that white isn't a color, I'd like to pick red. Also for all that red symbolizes.

Favorite animal:
This one is really hard T_T Hardly seems fair. Just one? I mean, I've owned cats, dogs, birds, rodents... I really like arctic foxes and am fond of the blizzard corn snake (there is one that I saw with beautiful blue eyes and its scales were nacreous... that is, they reflected rainbows but it was almost completely blind), but otters are kind of cute, too... it's just too hard to pick -.-; I guess I don't have a favorite, there are too many tying for first place. I love my Siamese cat, though. Mikomi. (That means hope.)

Is the glass half empty or half full?:
The glass is both half empty and half full, two sides of the same coin. But for matters of pessimism or optimism, I'm extremes of either and often at the wrong times it seems.

Are you a leader, follower, or loner?:
I'm more often a loner. I'm usually off doing my own thing. But when there's a group, I often just follow because I'm not terribly particular about what's going on or where we're going. But when things are going badly and people are unhappy, then I often take the lead and things get better. For this reason I'm often elected representative of any group or as club/school president. I guess it really is "The best leader is the one who doesn't want to be the leader".

Are you gung-ho or are you a tactician?:
It depends on the situation but I find I'm most often a tactician. When it comes to difficult decisions, I'm the one pulling my friends back, holding the backs of their shirts asking them to reconsider. I often think through various points before dashing off into things. Mostly I'm greeted with an, "Oh yeah, I never thought of that. You're right." but sometimes one doesn't have the luxury of thinking of these points and action must be taken. These are often the times my friends end up smacking me upside the head because I nearly get myself killed or injured. I usually laugh it off, though. I guess I'm most likely to step in front of someone to take a bullet. I'm that brand of stupid. But I'm not sure it's really stupidity as it is I have a high tolerance for pain and I'm not really afraid of dying.

Are you shy, outgoing, or in between?:
I'm somewhere in between, I guess. I'm usually very quiet around strangers, though I do converse with them. I can be a little avoidant of others at times because people make me nervous. After some time, however, I end up talking more and speaking a little more freely. As a general rule, though, I consider myself outgoing because when given the opportunity to sit at home or go somewhere where there's a lot of people, I often go. I like being around people. Watching them and listening to them talk and watching things unfold is kind of fun.

Are you mature or immature?:
I can be both. When the situation calls for it and around those who are older than me or in a higher position than me I'm mature and tend to wince when anyone around me isn't being so. But often times I'm immature. I tend to pout and glomp people and beg and whine and cry about stuff and will do things that mostly children do (like... I like puddle jumping and coloring and will tap people on the shoulder and run away screaming "TAG!" at total RANDOM and usually end up in room mate wars trying to jump out and scare each other). People find it adorable because they don't expect it from me. I can spend a whole evening smiling and discussing serious subjects and then they find me later, licking maple syrup off of my plate after eating pancakes, just to see me peering over the edge of the plate, embarrassed.

If you could have any wish granted what would it be?:
I'd wish everyone to have a good day ^^

What is the one thing you would change about the world if you could?:
I don't think I'd particularly want to change anything. Except the fact that mankind is causing its own demise and taking everything out with it. But I guess even that is simply nature. No, I'd probably change nothing. As unpleasant as some things are, things shall be what they are. I know people say humans are destroying nature, but nature created man. Nature, in essence, is self-destructive. I fail to believe that all life, when it's over, is gone for good. Even if it is, nature would have destroyed it all anyway by other means. Everything is impermanent. Life, for however long it lasts, should be celebrated. So why change anything? Results are all the same in the grand scheme of things. To go beyond those boundaries would be unnatural and would surely court disaster.

Do you believe in the good or the bad in man?:
I find myself wanting to believe in the good in man. I do my best to try to get people make the right choices but when I fail to, the results just make me sad. I want to lie and say there is no evil person. But after all of the people I met... there's sometimes "bad" that goes unchanged. My mother for example. And my father for another. My step-brother for yet another. Saddening. That's really the part of man that I truly can't manage to comprehend.

How do you feel about mistakes?:
It's fine for others to make mistakes. Those are easy to fix and forgive. I expect them and often accept them, perhaps even a little too willingly. But I rarely accept mistakes from myself. I expect more from myself and have a hard time forgiving myself when I err. In life, in general? In the flow of events? I don't believe there are any real "mistakes". Everything has a reason. There's a purpose for each event. Even unfortunate ones.

What is your weapon of choice?:
I don't know. I have good aim with guns and I'm not so bad with a sword. I guess it matters what the occasion is. Mostly when someone started with me, I just used my hands. I had a pattern of choking boys in high school. Grabbed them by their throats so they couldn't speak and gave them a nice lecture before letting them go. But magick isn't so bad either. I don't subscribe to the laws of white magick. White is as unbalanced as black. Inflicting nightmares on others and speaking to them through those? Very effective and no proof, no evidence left behind. Dreams are very realistic at times. Saves energy, too. But during a duel, I can't imagine that magick or just ones body helps much if your opponent has weaponry.

What is your dream occupation?:
I'd really like to design and create my own clothing, accessories, jewelry and bath and body products and have them available for sale in my own boutique. I always kinda wanted to own a store and it was either that or a magick shoppe. You know, all of those rare herbs, crystals, hard to find books, and other items... oils, incense, voodoo items, the whole lot. I figured I could do that and offer fortune telling, since it's my forte. Though I prefer I-Ching over the tarot. But somehow the idea of creating things that people can take home and enjoy seemed more fun than just stocking items that other people had made.

If you could have anything in the world what would it be?:
A ton of money T_T I'm broke and there are lots of bills that are late. If I could just pay off my debts, have enough to pay my rent and bills and enough to get a used car pay for insurance and gas and to pay for school I think I could do a lot of good in the world. If I had excess after getting all of the things I need, I'd probably just donate the rest. I just want enough to be able to thrive while going through school. After that, I'd prefer to earn my own money.

Anything else?:
It's funny but I started reading PSOH because of another community voting that I looked most like Count D (I had no idea who he was) I noticed in a profile that he liked sweets and animals, so I was sold. So it's really not that I say I like those things because I read all the volumes, it's that I read all the volumes because we had those things in common. Just so no one gets huffy or anything. ^^; *doesn't feel like getting stabbed in the face, thank you* Also I want to apologize for the incredible LENGTH of these answers. I know that must be tedious to read, so I greatly appreciate the effort.

Pictures/Describe what you look like in detail (two sentences at the very least):

[I know, what am I wearing? But this is one of my favorites.]

[Incidentally... Xander had a Merry Christmas, too.]

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