The Devil Comes Courting, Courtney Milan, het romance. I'm considering a plan where I read a romance novel every time I have to covid-test one of the kids. (Kid was negative.) The couple in this one was an easy sell for me: the heroine is terrible at names, the hero realizes this, and smoothly starts covering for her. Talk about your wish-fulfillment. :) But beyond that I liked a lot of stuff about their dynamic and relationship progression.
I do want to throw out a quick content note that there's a lot of pretty heavy stuff going on in this one around families and loss, particularly around adoption and specifically transracial/transcultural adoption - the heroine is a Chinese woman who's been raised by British missionaries since the age of six (in 1870, in China), and her navigation of that identity is a big part of the book. (The hero is a Black American Civil War vet, in China for business reasons.) I'm trying to avoid spoilers here but if anyone would like more details, let me know; I could see this being a rough one. I always get very emotional over stuff involving parents and children being separated and this was a lot more crying than I was expecting from my romance reading. But I don't mean this as a disrecommendation! Just a heads-up.
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